plz help skimmer set up!!!


New Member
I just set up my Prizm Skimmer. The collection chamber keeps filling up with just water and overflowing. How do I make this stop? What do I do? Thank you in advance. :help: :help:


New Member
I have cut my flow back, but it just ended up taking longer to fill with water. I'm at a loss. Not sure what else to do, any help would be wonderful. I know I read about someone else with a similar problem on here, I just can't remember where it was. So I am sorry for the repeat question, but if you could please help, that would be great.


Which Prism, there are two types a smaller one and a larger one.
If it's the smaller one, did you move the hose that starts up the pump from one barb to the other?
Slow the rate till the trap that lest water in almost closes completly.
I hade both sizes, but Prism is not that great of a skimmer to begin with.
Good luck.


I had a Prism skimmer. You will need to adjust the black knob on the in flow tube to adjust the bubble level in the chamber. If memory serves me, adjust the knob clockwise to reduce the flow. You should be able to see the water return slow also. It takes alot of small adjustments to get it right.


New Member
The one I have is the smaller HOB model. I am at work right now, so I turned it off this morning so it wouldn't flood my living room. When I get home I will try your ideas and hopefully they will work. I have the air intake tube connected to the valve on the right side (per what the instructions said to do after priming). Anways, I hope all it needs is some fine tuneing and figuring out. Also, my system is new (just started in on saturday) could that be a factor?


yeah...on the right track. sometimes they are sucking in too much air. if you can regulate the amount of air being taken in, that will help. alos, have you recently added any chemicals? i know when i add supplements to my setup, my skimmer goes ape. i don't have the same model you are talkin about but they seeem to all work about the same.
good luck!


New Member
Thanks, and no I haven't added any chemicals yet. I just put the water in and it doesn't really need anything yet, the pH and everything is normal, hasn't even started the nitrate cycle yet.


Be warned: when you add chemicals (or anyything fot that matter) your skimmer might do funny things.
I was doing a water change with water that had a new detox chemical I had never used and my skimmer began to overflow water. It continued to do so until I beleave it had removed all of the new chemical.
Weird stuff.