plz help with brown algae


hey all, my tank is little over a week old and its cycled amm=0 nitrite=0 ph 8.3 temp 77, i noticed i have some brown algae on my live rock and now it spread to my sand and its increasing on my LR? is this ok to have because its new and when i get my clean up crew will they take care of it? im going to test my trates in bit when i get home...thanks!


Active Member
it's diatoms .... this is perfectly normal for a new tank. a clean up crew may help a little but it will pass on its own in time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmwilk
is this because of the trate levels?
it has to do with the silicates in the water. once they're "used up" the diatoms will start to dissapear.


its a biocube 29 and it seems that the growth is the furthest from the ph...could lack of flow casue this to..i plan on getting another ph for that side thanks again for the input


Active Member
lack of flow can contribute towards cyanobacteria but not diatoms. don't worry if it gets worse before it gets better ... it's normal.


I have a 29g biocube, too, and mine did the same thing a couple of weeks after setting it up, which has been since May 1st. They will go away, and that was before adding my PH.