Plz Help with Sump


I cant put anything in the front or back because its in the wall whatever i use needs to be on the sides where do i start? Thanks
Your drawings seem a little confusing to me if you could label them or explain a little better what your looking to do? or an actual picture would be great. I was guessing that the tank is in a wall that you can see on both sides but how are the magnums located is the wall hollow on both sides? In your second sketch; are there doors above and then two below? second question how big are the magnums that you are looking to replace with a sump? I personally have a thirty gallon sump under my 150 and wish i could go with at least a fifty gallon.


Yes the tank is in the wall and you can see one side from my living room and one side from my dining room the wall is hollow with a door on top and two under the tank i have room on each end of the tank thats where my bio wheels are the canisters are under the tank there 350 pros what id like to do is have a overflow on one side and a return on the other with a sump under the tank i cant drill the tank so i need a different overflow my question is where do i get this overflow and can i get a sump with the pumps and everthing ready to go?