plz help with tank selections

30-xtra high

Active Member
i have a 30 extrahigh, 24l, 25h, 13w. i have 20lbs of ls, 27lbs of lr. . i have an emperor 330 hob filter- approved for 75 gallons. 600 maxijet. and 130watt pc's. 65 watt 12000k, and 65watt actinic blue .03.
as of livestock i have:
1 cinnamon clown
1 coral banded shrimp
5 damsels (which i AM getting rid of)
2 redleg hermits and 8 bluelegs
1 nesarius snails.
i know i need more hermits and snails, so can someone tell me how many more and what kind?
i'd also like to know if i could add another fish with my cinnamon.
and i'd like to know a good combination of colorful corals that can go with the lights, fish and crustaceans
any suggestions are appreciated


ok for hermits and snails...all hermits are the same(except for the really big ones) except for their colors ie. blue legs arent better than red red arent better than blue. for snails i personally like astrea as they are small so they wont move the rock around or knock over corals. i would get maybe like 10 hermits and 15 snails. Yes you could add another fish with your cinnamon and it should be fine, gobies, blennies, small wrasses, dwarf angels, basslets, chromis, and cardinals are all good choices for a 30 gallon for the most part. for corals the most color/ cheapest is going to be mushrooms/ric and zoos. you could also do leathers and other things but they dont add as much color. I would also stay away from any sps but thats just my opinion.

30-xtra high

Active Member
i've always been told dwarf angels need a 55. and could you give me some examples of the fish you named, you just named groups, any specifics you would recomend?, and what do zoos look like?
and anybody else have any ideas?


Active Member
Marine Fishes by Scott Michael says that some dwarf angels can be kept in a 30 gallon: flame angels, coral beauty, lemonpeel angels


Active Member
here is a picture of what zoos and shrooms would look like, though they come in many colors.
as for inverts add a few at a time making sure they have enough to eat. maybe 5 each at a time.
for fish, how about a firefish gobie and and a bi-color blenny. both are colorful and great in a tank that size.
or a royal gramma and a couple clown gobies.


personally for gobies i like the firefish the best, dwarf angels i like the flmae angel the best but theres always the risk of it not being safe with corals, for blennies hmmm i guess i would say the midas, basselets the black cap by far...alittle pricy and hard to find but a great and beautiful fish, cardinals arent all that colorful but i think the bangaii gives a nice contrast with it being black, white & silver. My list for a 30 would probably be something like this: Purple firefish(or normals but the purple has nicer colors IMO), try to find a reef safe lemonpeel, and a blackcap or something. As for zoos there are so many and non of them really have names just pick out the ones you like they are all easy to keep. As for inverts how about a cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp? I think with that list you would have a pretty good variety of colors and then if you didnt have a color you wanted mushrooms and zoos come in pretty much every color so it would be easy to get a nice range of colors.
Just my opinion but before you get anything else I would invest in a Skimmer, I have always believed other than lighting and the actual tank that a Skimmer is your next most important piece of equipment.