pod question


I am in search of some info about how to culture pods. I have read on some other sites about culturing in tupperware containers and wanted to find out if anyone had tried it, how they did it, and what success they had. I could set up a seperate 5 gal tank to do this but didn't know if that was neccessary. I do not have a fuge or a sump, but I have purchased my initial pods to start my culture with. If the 5 gal is the only way to go, then what is important there? --Thanks!


Im sorry to BUMP this but I posted it late and was in the hopes that someone/anyone would have info for me??? :help:


You can take live rock rubble and make small piles that the pods will breed in. If you have fish that will eat the population, I have heard you can take one of those baskets like you get strawberry's in and place it upside down over the live rock pile to give acces to pods, but not fish.
A separate five gallon with lots of macro in it would be ideal, but a lot more hassle.


Did you get your pods yet? I am curious if they are all amphipods or are copepods or a mix. I only seem to have amphipods in my tank, and I would like to see some copepods. I have a 5-gal going with just some feather caulerpa anyway, so I could do this very easily.