Pod reproduction


What do pods need to survive and reproduce? Do people use smaller tanks exclusively to raise pods the way I have seen live brine done? Can this be done and how? :thinking:


Active Member
A good way to "raise pods" is to put a pile of live rock rubble in the back of your tank. This lets the pods have a place to hide where fish can't get them.


Yes, but can they be raised in a small tank by themselves, with live rock, maybe some pvc or something for them to hide and gather in? I am talking about a tank JUST to raise pods. Is that possible anyone?


Active Member
Sure it's possible, but it isn't real easy to get them from the "pod tank" to the main tank. One way to do it though is to use large wads of chaeto.


Originally Posted by wax32
Sure it's possible, but it isn't real easy to get them from the "pod tank" to the main tank. One way to do it though is to use large wads of chaeto.
Or periodically exchange one piece of live rock from your refugium to your tank and back again.


Well, I'm going to give it a shot. Is there any food that the pods feed on, I am thinking I need to suppliment with something, maybe phytoplankton? Will they feed on the chaeto?


Active Member
I've been interested in this as well. I'm wondering if a small tank, with a little of live sand on the bottom....less than an inch....with some Chaeto in it.
Just wonder if it would produce enough to maybe us a turkey baster to get them out and put back into the dt.
There has to be a way to do this, you can buy them....right.


Active Member
I have a pile of rock rubble on the left side of my tank with pvc under it (also around the rest of the back of the tank) and tons of plants covering that area, this promotes pod reproduction quite well.


Active Member
Thats good, i've got plenty of pod growth in my tank. But if i could produce excess pods to put in my dt....then i could get a scooter blenny or mandarin.


Active Member
you can supplement pods, I'm thinking of (when i upgrade tanks) covering my entire 29g full of plants and tons of rock and such and put some dragonets in it after pouring several bottles of tiger pods and letting it sit. My dragonets eat frozen too though.


Originally Posted by wax32
That can work too, but then you have a big piece of out of place rock in your tank.

I swap the same two pieces that are around the same size so no hole in the aquascape.