Pod Safe Pumps?



I know that they are "ridiculously" expensive. But does anyone know where to get pod safe pumps at? Or is it something I'd have to order from an industrial/medical supply company?

nm reef

Active Member
I don't know that any return pump could be considered "pod safe"...the creatures are so small that no matter what steps you take they'll still suffer losses from being sucked thru the intake/ran through the impeller/and finally flushed to a new destination. But ... some will always survive the ordeal. I prefer to use a gravity return from my refugium to the display which avoids the issue of pump damage all together.:cool:


NM Reef,
I can not remember the proper terminology for them. Haven't read a fluid power book in a long time....THANKFULLY
A rough explanation, but instead of using impellers such as in centrifugal pumps. Using a piston style pump. A valve opens on the refugium side, piston expands... water rushes in, valve closes.. so pods are safe inside, valve at top.... to tank opens, piston pushes water with pods into main tank, safely.

bang guy

I've heard of them too. There's also another type that uses a screw instead of an impeller. I really don't know where to get them.
May I ask why you believe you want one?


Bang Guy,
Not really sure if I want one. Was more curious if anyone else is using them. I'm also researching setting up a monsterously large, to me.. 450g acrylic, in my living room when I move. Probally won't have room for an overhead refuge, most likely going to try one of the cpr hang-on back refugiums. I have one on my 38g. If I could pick up a piston or screw type pump for not to much though, I'd like to try it.

bang guy

All my pods have to travel through either an Iwaki MD70RLT or a WMD40RLT. These are both pressure rated pumps which will be worse on pods than non-pressure pumps. They have pretty much no effect on Copepods, just a minor effect on Amphipods & Isopods and Mysid Shrimp fare the worst with only 95% of Mysid Shrimp making the trip undamaged.
IMO pumps damaging pods just isn't an issue. I recently removed a baby Banggai from my display tank. There's only two ways it could have gotten there (see above). It was undamaged.


Bang Guy,
Wow, a baby Banggai made it through the pump! Guess I thought they were more damaging to copepods and such. Thanks for the correction.