Pod tank(contiued)


Active Member
Im prabably going out to Meijer and gonna get a 2g tank on thursday. My questions Will The tank cycle if i just add water from only my tank, im not using sand or live rock, i was thinking about just covering the bottom with those plastic dish sponges(without soap or any chemicals) for the pods. So will it cycle?


Probably not, wring out a dirty tank filter in the tank and maybe. add one of the sponges you are going to use in the display tank for a week or so and then put it in the 2 gallon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fibinotchi
Probably not, wring out a dirty tank filter in the tank and maybe. add one of the sponges you are going to use in the display tank for a week or so and then put it in the 2 gallon.
What do you mean wring out a dirty tank filter in the tank, please explain in more detail.


If you have a filter sock or some cloth carbon bag that has a bunch of good bacteria on it. fill up your 2 gallon tank and take your filter sock or whatever you have a wring the dirty water out into the 2 gallon, it will be teaming with good bacteria. I don't see why it is a problem, I think I have heard of people doing that before. I hear they do that and then remove a sponge at a time and leave it in the display for a few hours so all the pods escape. I actually remember seeing something about someone using like 3 or 4 quart jars with airstones in them and those scrubbers to raise pods but I forget where I saw it or all the details. Temp would be the issue there, maybe they were in a warmer location.


Active Member
alright, thanks. Would it be good to add a bunch of those scrubbers for a safe place for the pods?


I read an article by one well-respected person who raises pods and rotifers and she seems to think that 1) indirect light produces better results than direct light, 2) freshly mixed saltwater actually works better than water from your tank, even the first go around and 3) cooler spaces are better than warmer. She keeps her cultures in the basement specifically because it's cooler than the rest of the house. She also seems to find that dark-colored buckets actually work better for her than glass tanks, so you may just want to consider buying some 2-5 gallon buckets. PM me if you'd like the link.


Active Member
Oh, i just hatched an idea, before i go out and spend 40$ on a bottle of pods, i will try to take a lot out of my older brothers 75g and put them in the 2g tank.(i realize how long ill be sucking off pods i can barely see of the glass
) anyways that tank is well populated with pods, i dont want to use a LR from there because it also has amphipods all over to. so if all goes well, ill only be spending about 20$(if you cant tell, im really cheap
o you think this could work?


Sure, it might. If there's a particular area where they swarm (in algae, on a certain cluster of rocks) I've heard you can stick a sponge in there, let it sit for a couple days and then take it out and squeeze out copepods that set up shop in there. Otherwise, scooping up cups of water and pouring it through a strainer might be a faster way to harvest some.


Active Member
alright, im going to try those ways first, and if i cant get a culture started, ill just order them online or something.


Active Member
well, i went and got a 1g tank for 10$. I have it all set up and i put some roch rubble from the DT to start the cycle, i still need a heater but cant do anything about that untill tommarrow or thursday, depending on how things go.
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Hey. would a little asterina starfish that came in on some LR live in 68 degree water?