Pod Tank idea


ok so i have a mandiran goby that i have had for over one year that eats prepaired food(
) but i noticed that when i put one of those baggys of pods in my tank he goes crazy eatting as many as possible. my father also has one in his tank but he can afford to buy the pods weekly for his lil guy(his wont eat prepaired food). so my question is can i make a small tank that i can raise the pods on my own so that way i dont have to worry about either of these guys dieing one me(not so much mine but i know he loves the pods more)?
here is my idea:(please let me know if i should change something
5.5g tank
1 50w heater
5lbs of LR
nice handfull of cheato(will grow but just for starters)
1 marineland 100 filter(laying around from when i started my 10g nano, would like to use it if possible)
little bit of aggrogate on bottem
28w light w/2 6,500k bulbs for good cheto growth.
2/3 bags of pods to get it going
i am hoping all this will work. so that in a few weeks i can have a huge amount of pods to feed these guys. i know they eat like +200 a day so i would really have to get these to grow fast.
thanks for any ideas/help


i have thought about that but at this time i really dont have the funds to make that work. my dad is willing to pay for all the stuff for me to get them going thats y. in his tank there isnt any room at all cuz its built in the wall and he is using all HOB filters. i have just enough space under my tank to make this work but not enough room for all the plumbing to make it a fuge(someday hopfully) this is mostly just to try and save the money on buying pods. $20per month for me and $40ish for me we can get our moneys worth in 2 months.


Active Member
it may be unsightly, but you could make an in- tank fuge out of very small pieces of rubble piled up, or you could make one in a canister filter filled with rubble, or even a PVC pipe.


i thought about doin an intank version but i didnt like that idea, just cuz i have some of this stuff laying around. so i was trying to use it.
ive got the:
5.5g tank(never used)-but also considering going to a 10g for more room
marineland 100 filter(used for 2 weeks)
lots of cheto (from my tank needs to be cut down)
extra agrogate from nano project
20" light (once i order a new one, also have tons of extra bulbs)
so really all i would need is the pods some rock and the heater to make it work. so like at the most $50.00 to start the tank


Active Member
I'm pretty sure they would live and reproduce but the hard part will be getting them out of the "breeder" tank and into your display tank. They're not going to be visibly free floating in the water -- they'll be in the live rock. Perhaps you'll have to keep cycling live rock from your display tank to the breeder tank back and forth?


i could move the rock every week to get them into the DT and then move another rock to the Breeder. my original thought would be just to put the cheato in the tank for the pods to get in there.


Active Member
chris, dude, dont go that route, just get you an ac110, or maybe even 2 of em, mod em into fuges, an dump your pods in there, they'll go right into your display tank, an will have plenty of room to grow


Active Member
hey florida, from what i understand, they need the live rock to feed off of an to grow in, at least, thats my understanding of em
I was thinking that if he really wants to do it this way - that why not try with no LR/sand and feed some sort of small food. That way he could just scoop some out when needed. I thought the LR was for hiding from predators to reproduce and that they lived off of debris, etc but I have no idea.


Active Member
thats why i suggested the ac110's, the pods will just seed straight into his tank, almost like he's got a refugium set up under his tank


Mike i have the ac110 in there now and im not really getting any repordution. i have it hooked up to my 10g nano and there really isnt any type of growth that i can see. when i pour the bag in i see them for like 2 or 3 days then nothing. i might try it with no LR and just pull the cheato out every week to get soem pods in the DT. not sure yet.
as far as the AC110 goes for my dads tank it cannot be done cuz he doesnt have the room for it. his tank is drilled and it goes into a verysmall wet dry looking thing where there isnt any room for me to even get in to make a mini fuge on it.
thats the whole reasoning behind a "breeder" tank
so im guessing that it really cannot be done?


Active Member
it could be done, but, if youve got the ac 110 on the back of your DT, with a second one, u might stand a better chance


yea i really thought about it. but for about the same price i have have a spare tank that grows them and i get 2 uses out of them. one for me and one for my dad(mainly the whole reason im trying to grow them)
plus he will pay for the stuff to make the tank and not my new filter(


yea that would be the next thing. but by either pulling out some cheato and shaking them out or pulling a small piece of LR out of the DT in to the BT and moving them weekly might get enough to feed the mandrians.
anybody see any problems with the planned set-up?


dude they totally work awsome. the one i hooked up on my gf's 20gH really works well. lots of water movement even with the slower impeler. i was kinda suprised at how well it really does the job. im not as happy with the 70(10g) i kinda wish i would have bought another 110 cuz there so sweet.
good luck with getting yours. anything new as far as progress goes?