Alright, let's put it all out there Here is the thread about your high ammonia in a ten gallon tank that you did not cycle before expecting a pair of clowns to breed in them.
Here is my response to one of the MANY PM's that you sent to me regarding this.
Are you trying to convince me or yourself that this will work? I seriously don't know what you want from any of us. I have told you that before. You ask for advice and then tell us what your "reputable" sources say. They are full of crap if they are telling you that a ten gallon is good for these fish. They are not going to spawn because they will be highly stressed. PM Bang guy. He breeds clownfish among others. Ask him if you do not believe me. The ten is great for fry, but not for a new breeding pair. You let them breed in the display, then put the eggs in the ten. The ten would have to be cycled first. Water from the display does not cycle a tank.
I stopped replying to your PM's because they are highly inappropriate.
Bang said above
In my opinion a 10 is OK for a pair of Ocellaris. Not for most Clownfish but it's at the extreme small side for Ocellaris. A 10 is way too small for an Anemone. The problem isn't the size of the fish, it's water quality. As you've found out a 10 gallon can become polluted in minutes. The good news is that a 100% water change is easy to do.
Work on becomming a good caretaker for your Clownfish and then once they are breeding take the next step.
Not the next 5 steps, just take one more step.
So what advice was so wrong? You threw fish into an uncycled tank. IMO 10 gallons is too small for fish that were originally stated to be a total of 5 1/4 inches. If the tank were mature with excellent filtration then that would be different. Expecting them to breed in that tank with foul water quality does not make sense to me. You can stop with the threats and the nasty PM's. I didn't cost you money, you did.