

I am currently havingwhat everyone here would call a pod explosion they are literally everywhere what would everyone recommend to combat these little guys?????
currently have:
2 yellow tail damsels
1 hippo tang
2 skunk cleaner shrmps
2 fire shrmps
i have a 125 gallon aquarium thank you
oh yea i forgot 6 turbo snails


Nothing, I'd be proud of it myself. you could add a mandarin if you like, they love pods, in many cases its all they will eat.


Active Member
The more pods, the better. I usually don't see so many in my tank, but my skimmer is chocked full of them, and I've been told that that's a good sign that they're populating my tank...all I know is that my coral beauty angel is constantly finding snacks....
Lisa :happyfish


DVS, How about selling some of the pods? I am going to add a mandarin and I am prolly going to have to go to my LFS and buy some to get me started. You should go to the either classified section or the trading section and make a post. I see all the time people looking to buy pods.


Originally Posted by SoO High
hey thomas coudnt mandarin eat brine shrimp also
Yes they could, but I would not recommend any dead or frozen version, they would much prefer a live version. some say that mandarins can be trainded to accept frozen foods, but they are few and very far between. I've even heard of a few eating the red flat worms. I'd pay a pretty penny for one of those.