

Everyone keeps talking about the Pods. I have 65lbs of lr I got from SWF and 100lbs of ls. I haven't seen anything else move in my tank. Am I missing something? Should I be looking in the middle of the night with a flashlight? Or do I need to buy something to put pods in the tank? What did I forget that I didn't know about (that ones easy, I have only been doing this for 2 months!)


Active Member
You should be looking in the middle of the night. You will see tiny white dots moving on the glass and rocks.


Thanks, my sife thinks I've gone nuts now as I'm either going to a lfs, looking at the tank, or on this site. Now she is going to catch me looking at the tank in the middle of the night and think I finally lost it!
I will do it though. Do they come out with the lunar lights on or should I shut them off and use a flashlight?


Active Member
They should come out with the lunar lights on but I have never looked with them on, I always look when they are off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lt34
Cool, thanks for the help. Love the Mustang by the way

No problem.
As for the mustang its just a pic I found on a website, I wish I had one though.