

I would like to house a mandrin goby, succesfully. my tank is full of live rock and plants.. now were do I buy pods for him so I can start raising them...?


Active Member
pods will come on LR, in LS, or if you know of somebody that has an established system with some pods you can take a cupful of their sand and add it to yours so they can multiply. I would do it in a fuge though so the mandarin doesnt gorge himslef.


how do I feed the mandrin then... would the pods just come through the tubing into my main tank... plus I have no idea how to build/ plumb a fuge


This was what I happened to know about keeping pods' population from decreasing in the display tank. I left 2 sheets of plexi glass (18x20) stand against the back tank wall to prevent it from getting scatched by the LR, and it turns out that I've created a perfect home for pods to grow behind the sheets (there's a little tiny gap between the plexi sheet and tank wall) My Lawnmower benny goes crazy when he sees pods behind the sheets but he can't touch them. The main population of pods live behind the plexi sheets during the day and they're swimming all over in the water column and sand bed at nite. Some pods still live out side on LR and SB and they are get eaten by my fish very quicky. However, my pods' population won't decreased tremendously.


kipass4130 I have 110lbs live rock in my 90 gallon, I know my tank needs to be established for alot longer, thats why I wanna start now, I heard U can buy pods in kits.


or you can ask your LFS to feed it some brine and if he eats, you should be ok. My psycho eats blood worms and brine. L8TR