


I am new.. but may not be right on this one..
But, I think they are some kind of creature..


Active Member
Little white creatures that run around the tank. Look similar to small shrimp to me. Most stay under a 1/4" in size, many are much smaller than that. Do a search, I know there have been some pics posted in the reef forum.


Active Member
There are several types of "pods". There are Amphipods, copepods, and Isopods. I beleive BangGuy has posted some good pics of them.


Active Member
I have some gammerous. There are also other types. One is a very one that looks like dots moving around your glass. They are really small.


Active Member

Originally posted by lesa
Tangman do you have a picture of those gammarus??

No, but they look just like the ones Kip and tlk posted. Never interested me enough to take a picture.


Active Member
Hobbiests generally use the term "pods" to describe the very small crustaceans in our tanks that are named with the pod ending.....copepods, amphipods, and isopods are generally meant when a hobbiests says "pods". "pods" means "foot" in greek I believe.....copepod translates to oar+foot because they have flat legs for swimming, I believe amphipod means double feet or something....don't get that, but whatever......It's sort of misleading when you have common things like gastropods....belly+foot, and they aren't included....basically hobbiests generally mean the three when "pods" are mentioned. Most are good, a few are bad......just little crustaceans.
How do pods get in your tank? What purpose do they serve? I've heard a lot about hobbyists raising pods in their refugiums. Are they some type of food source for fish and/or invertebrates?
I don't see any pods in my tank right now. When should I expect them to appear? Right now, my ammonia is 0 and my NO2 is 0.2. Do they require food? If so, what?