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Whole heartedly agree. I'm all for a little more lenient regulations for police officers (only when it's blatant infractions) but I'd be suing if someone came and broke down my door, handcuffed me, only to find a bottle of vinegar, next to the 'ole fish hangout.
I've been friends with law enforcement (city boys, all the way to federal marshalls), for a long time and have been on ride alongs, many many times. It's alot different when you see what our peace officers actually have to put up with, even during routine traffic stops.
There are WAY too many people who have disdain and disrespect for cops, for the simple fact they hate authority.
Ok. So you have been on ride along (community police awareness) You see what they go thru. That’s the job they took. Police officers were not forced to become cops. Its no different then a day at the office and the boss picked you to pick on all day.
Sure a person gets cranky and rips on someone innocent but in the end no ones insurance is going up and money takes a powder out of their wallet.
A cop knows, sure you make me made I’ll hurt your wallet in more ways then one. So they rips tickets out of a book to get even. When the person they pulled over was nothing more then sorry and apologetic, but the scrub an hour earlier is still on the cops mind. So in the cops head “I’m having a bad day everyone I pull over is going to have a bad day.
The public can not really allow police to have lenient rules. Simply they will find ways to bend the rules even more or find loop holes in the regs. Its human nature to play dirty, no one is always going to play fair. For a lot of cops ( and I know them too well) they are nice guys to hang with, play golf together go the range together, scuba dive, they pin that tin to their chest its like turning of instant A-HOLE.
It would be a lot easier and a lot more simple if you made rules and reg and title 39 codes (nj) as simple as possible to follow that a chimp would understand and failure to follow or bend would be cause for dismissal.
I have said from the get go, we as citizens of the US are slowly giving up our rights in the name of safety of security from terrorism.
And the whole thing of “ if it saves one child” then we must do it. That’s a worm hole for cops to run a muck.
Its not so much hate and disrespect for authority as it is a lack of trust in our police. That lack of trust breeds hate and disrespect also. I can name at least one hundred incidents that happen in the crummy state faster then I could type.
Also a lot of parents today do not instill fear and respect in their kids. Kids know they can not be hit or disciplined and that equates to lack of respect for police.
Prime example, look at the black people who were shot in NY over a lack of control.
I defy anyone to say they would stand still and not try and drive or run away when gun shots are being fired. Cause they are liars.
Look at the Baltimore cop who was getting loud and physical with the kids who were skate boarding.
No need for that type of reaction.
If the worst those kids were doing is skate boarding then people need more fulfilling reasons in their lives.
If a kid was to get hurt skateboarding then the parents should not be allowed to sue. They were skateboarding there is an inherent danger to the sport, injuries happen. A judge would turn around and grant the lawsuit for what? because we are a sue happy country and want to make quick money.
Not realizing that a lawsuit raises the insurance rate and everyone suffers, because an insurance companies are not going to ever lose money if they don’t have to.