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I am in the military. My wife is a stay at home mom. We have 2 cars 3 kids and a kick ass Aquarium .
. We don't buy the latest things and we don't eat out everyday. We give our 10% to the church and We have a SMALL house on base that is free. My paychecks are $900.00 every 2 weeks after taxes and a little chunk into savings. I have no credit card debt and owe $10,000 on my wifes SUV. I have a retirement plan on top of my possible military retirment. I have a heafty chunk of change in savings for when I do buy a house. I am not bragging but I am giving an example of how you do not have to make tons if you don't need to live like a king.
I have friends that make more than me, both parents work and they are over their heads in debt and that is what drives me nuts. I can make it on very little by not having to have anything. If I made $50,000 dollars a year I would freak out because of all of the extra money. I was watching a show where a couple was in horrible debt. This guys house was really nice and all of his furnature was leather, big screen tv and a really nice pool. He had dept collectors calling daily and most of his debt was credit cards. People need to be more resonsable with their money and live in their means untill they can get that next step. I believe that the majority of america sruggles because they have to have Surround sound with their 42 inch TV and not because they don't make enough money. Everyone wants to be rich in there 20s these days and America has never been like that. It takes time to build up a nice nest egg and most people could if they didn't have to have the nicest stuff from day one.
I have friends that make more than me, both parents work and they are over their heads in debt and that is what drives me nuts. I can make it on very little by not having to have anything. If I made $50,000 dollars a year I would freak out because of all of the extra money. I was watching a show where a couple was in horrible debt. This guys house was really nice and all of his furnature was leather, big screen tv and a really nice pool. He had dept collectors calling daily and most of his debt was credit cards. People need to be more resonsable with their money and live in their means untill they can get that next step. I believe that the majority of america sruggles because they have to have Surround sound with their 42 inch TV and not because they don't make enough money. Everyone wants to be rich in there 20s these days and America has never been like that. It takes time to build up a nice nest egg and most people could if they didn't have to have the nicest stuff from day one.