Poll for good advice: What and how often do you feed Anenomes???


I have an 80 gallon reef set up. It has mostly hardy soft corals, clean up critters, one scooter blenny, one goby and a tank for algae control.
So I would like to poll the experience of people here!
I have 3 anenomes.....one small flower anen, one green carpet anen and one plain old white with red foot anen I bought for my clown (who is no longer in this tank).
I also have 3 tube worms. I guess these are anenomes too.
So a few questions:
1) How often should I feed these guys?
2) Do anen's give off ammonia and/or add to the tank's bioload like a fish???
3) How photsynthetic are they? Can they live for weeks without real food and live just on light?
I do not feed them much as I want to avoid adding extra nutrients to the water. I have been pushing out the time of feeding. They have not eaten in a few days and they look very good. I heard carpets should be fed a lot and every day (myth?!?)
And last question:
4) I run a 6x55 watt blue atinics. Do you consider this good lighting for a 4 foot long 80 gallon?
I seem to read here people putting way more light than the rule I was told and follow 2-4 watts per gallon. I dont high high light corals except for one clam who is at the very top of the tank to get max light exposure.
Any help would be appreicated. I strive to make the best home for my critters as possible. I am considering taking out the anen's, but I REALLY like them. I have 2 sexy shrimp that live on my carpet and it is a hoot to watch them taking a magic carpet ride. :)
The tube worms and white anen are leftover from turning my 135 into a fish only. I could easily get rid of them if it would help improve the quality of my reef. But if they dont make much of a difference, I would prefer to keep the. Except for the white anen; he was for my clown and he isnt very colorful. Does anyone know an easy way to get him off a rock he is firmly planted on (assuming I decide to get rid of him) ???
ALL help is appreciated!!! :D


QUOTE: "I have an 80 gallon reef set up. It has mostly hardy soft corals, clean up critters, one scooter blenny, one goby and a tank for algae control. "
uhhhhhhhh. that would be a TANG for algae control not TANK :)
I feed my bubble and LTA twice a week and my flower once a week. The flower will refuse it if offered more. they need to be fed.
So a few questions:
1) How often should I feed these guys? once or twice a week. The carpet will start roaming if he gets hungry enough, trying to find a better place with more food.
2) Do anen's give off ammonia and/or add to the tank's bioload like a fish???
In all honesty I really don't know. Since they are an animal I would suspect that they do to some degree.
3) How photsynthetic are they? Can they live for weeks without real food and live just on light?
I am sure they can live for weeks with out food. But the algae that grows with in the anemone will supplement them a little. IMO they would still need a more meaty diet.
4) I run a 6x55 watt blue atinics. Do you consider this good lighting for a 4 foot long 80 gallon?
I would consider that to be good lighting for a tank that size with anemone's. But this is just IMO.


my clown feeds the anemone every time I feed the tank so I dont know exactly how much or often he gets feed.


I have an LTA and i feed it twice or three times a week. I soak frozen clam in zoe, a kent product that enhaces the foods vitamins and protein, and feed it that. Also, sometimes, freeze dried krill or i squirt some brine near its tentacles and it grabs some. Its extremely healthy and i suggest healthy feeding of aneomnes.


Active Member
Poll For Good Advice? Aw, man. I thought this was the poll for bad advice. I guess I'm lost.
LOL, really, I used to feed mine every other days. Usually with phytoplankton and the like. Good luck with yours.