poll: naming fish


Yes, My husband, kids and I name our fish
We have Casper..Yellow headed jawfish
Foo...Mandarin Goby (choo died when we got her}
Arthur and Gwen...Mated Tomato Clowns
Pepe'..cleaner shrimp
Emerald..Emerald crab
Sally and Gordon..Two Sally lightfoots
Lenny and Squigy.. 2-4 striped
Hostess..large seabae
Gyser..sea squirt
Skittles and tigger..2 neon gobies
Sweep..feather duster
Maui..Hawiian Feather
Always name everthing...
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
Girlfriend is mostly responsible in the fish naming department.
Clarkii - Clarkii ( very original )
Royal Gramma - P.J.
Firefish - Tweek
Blue Damsel - Chloe
Bangii Cardinal - Gabrielle
I named one fish - YellowTail Damsel - but really should not type it's name - there are children that read this board <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


i used to name them and then they would die so i quit and have a tank full of john does just so i can enjoy them.


I could never figure out whether to give them male or female names and I didn't want to be politically incorrect so......no names. :p