Poll: sand or CC


In my very first set up nearly 10 years ago, I went with crushed coral. After 6 months, I made the change, and I've never looked back.
However with sand it is important, IMO, to have at least a good sand sifting goby, sand sifting star, cucumber or something to keep the sand stirred between water changes and cleanings.


Active Member
I started with CC and UGF... Switched to sand in my aggressive tank more for the Shark and Wrasse and Crocodile fish than anything to do with "maintainence"...
I had aragonite sand and switched to black Tahitian in my Nano reef...Now I'm going bare bottom in my 54 corner Reef (with big sump/fuge)...
I voted for sand over CC, cuase most people won't keep up on the "maintainence/cleaning" a CC bed needs...till it's too late...


Kip -
In all seriousness, aren't the bugs, etc. for the gobies, sifters and sifting starfish to eat? While I hope to increase my bug population, it is for the sake of being able to provide a "natural" food source and not to have more bugs.
This is an issue that I have been contemplating lately. In my 180, I do not run a refugium, just live rock, sand, skimmer and sump. Old fashioned, some would say outdated, but I like the results I get.
I'd love to hear more from you and others.


Active Member
The one thing I have been wondering about is, what is so bad about CC? I use it and have no problems at all.


Kip -
Thanks for the reply. I do not have a DSB, but rather 2" of sand in front of my LR, and approximately 1" under and behind the LR.
I do not utilize my sand as a DSB, but more as an aesthetic feature. As a result, my pod and bug population is not so excessive as to be able to support a mandarin, but can support my sand sifting star and a yellow watchman.


Active Member

Originally posted by H2OENGR
Gobies eat too many of the inhabs? Darn! That was another fish I wanted!

gobies, not all gobies


I have fine CC, I like the looks and with a good clean up crew it stays nice. I have to use a siphon hose about every few months to help alleviate the detris or waste. IMO I have more pods grow w/ CC for my mandarine goby! He's a happy camper. But with the new tank were getting we'll use live sand!
So I think it's what YOU prefer!


Well now I am totally confused. I had CC. Went to sand because I thought it looked better, then went back to CC because i couldn't vacuum the sand decent without sucking half of it up. Any suggestions?:notsure:


Actually, if you pinch down on your tube, you can vacuum the sand. I hated the CC I had in my FOWLR tank. It got all kinds of filthy.
I guess it is what each person prefers, but I think this poll is pretty conclusive as to what MOST people prefer.
a_diglio, I think you got your answer!