Originally Posted by Stanlalee
it is impossible to compare performance between T5 and MH. there are a zillion ballast,reflector and bulb combinations of MH and quite a few different T5 set ups. some will perform better, some will perform worse. They both work but the swayer for me was quite simple. What do we do with our tanks, look at them. A tank under MH looks like the sun rays shining down on the reef. It is by far the most natural looking replica of a shallow reef. I really dont give a crab (no I dont suffer from dislexia sp?) if this T5 set up produces 3mm more growth over a 3wk period than that MH set and vise versa as long as I'm happy with the growth I'm getting. Before I had MH I was jelous of the look of those who had it but I have never once jelous of the look of a T5 set up.
Now thats just me. some people find glitter lines and the detail of every particle in the water MH shows utterly annoying.
YES! I agree with you completely.
This subject is too often put this way, as if one of them is the "right way" and one is the "wrong way." There are certain factors that makes one advantageous over the other, such as depth, heating, etc, but when looking it at from a standpoint of generality, there are pros and cons to each. It comes down to your setup, your tastes, your animals, your eyes, and your budget. If you really want to research this, rather than asking here, go to an LFS that uses both or get involved with your local reef club and go to some member homes and check out tanks.
Me, I run BOTH halide and T5 on my reef.