Poll: What do you do with dead fish?


Active Member
We have all been through it before no matter how careful an aquarist you are, whether it's one dead fish or an entire tank wipeout. Accidents happen. I would like to know what do you do with the corpse so to speak. Please take a minute to vote on the poll.

mr. ray

New Member
i have done a few things.
I have flushed, i have let my three large snails eat it, I have let my cat have a treat. (I am talking FW here)


Active Member
Burial at sea... (flush it) :D
We usually flush all our dead fish (all have been small enough to do so).


I've been lucky enough to only have lost a few fish. When I first started I fed them 2-3 to my tegu lizard. Last 2 I lost, I just left in the aquarium for the clean up crew. Not a trace left or ammonia spike from leaving them. I wouldn't suggest it with larger fish though.


I fry mine up with a little garlic oil and butter. Sometimes I bake them with a little lemon juice. mmmmmmm delicious



Originally posted by stillfrodo
I fry mine up with a little garlic oil and butter. Sometimes I bake them with a little lemon juice. mmmmmmm delicious

That is SO GROSS!!! I can't believe you use oil and butter, disgusting! :D


Active Member
I treat my fish like any other pet. If I have a dog or a cat to die, I wouldn't just throw it away, I would bury them. I do the same for my fish.
There are exceptions though. If it died within a week, I put it in a plastic bag, march down to the LFS, and whine until they finally do something about selling me a bad fish... that's happened a lot with freshwater fish. Especially my precious goldfish. When I go to Heaven, God will have a huge fish tank in my room with tons of little black moors... :D Anr they will all be named "Hoover" because when one died I renamed it the same since it didn't live long enough in my tank for me to get attached. I finally bought a black moor that was hardy. Too bad his name is Tubby instead. He's 3 years old now. ;)


Active Member
LOL mnreefman...thats a thought. We do have a neighbor that doesn't "curb" his dog. So.....hmmm ;)
Really, the first tragic loss in the house was just that very tragic.
I took is personally that this little creature died on my watch. Kids had to have a burial in the yard. (about 5 degrees in St louis and the ground almost broke the little shovel.) Fortunately we have only lost a few, but now they go in the trash.



Originally posted by The Claw
If its a fresh kill, I sometimes eat them, but otherwise FLUSH.....

You're missing out then... they taste better aged! :D


Active Member
I have on a couple of occasion, flozen the dead fish and kept it in a ziplock bag in the freezer. Why? I don't really have an explaination for it. It just felt right at the time and I still got it.



Originally posted by Harlequinnut
I have on a couple of occasion, flozen the dead fish and kept it in a ziplock bag in the freezer. Why? I don't really have an explaination for it. It just felt right at the time and I still got it.

Maybe few hundered years later you can be able to make them alive back ;)
I usually flush but sometimes i feed my anemone :D


Active Member
Flush, unless it's too big, then it goes in a ziplock and then into the freezer until trash day (don't want it stinking up the place).


Active Member
i leav mine for the other critters, ex bristle worms / clean up crew / shrimp
i just keep a close eye on my amm