Poll: What do you do with dead fish?


Active Member
If the kids are the first ones to notice - we have a funeral service and a burial in the backyard. If I am the first to notice - flush. If the hermits are the first to notice - nobody else notices - the fish just disappears.


Most of my fish that have died have ended up getting flushed, except for my last one... My last fish(a clown fish) that died went missing for 3 weeks before I figured out what happened to him. I looked and looked, eventually figuring something must have eaten him when I couldn't find him. One day, however, as I was moving some of the supplies around underneath my tank, I picked up my fish net. Inside was a mummefied clownfish! He had full color, was not rotted, just was a little dried up fish... It's been another month now, and he's still on my mantle....