POLL: What is your feeding schedule?


Just curious this rainy Chicago day...
What do you feed your fish?
What type of fish are in that tank?
How often do you feed (once, twice, thrice...)?
I'm looking for more options for my babies...
I have a trigger/eel tank and feed frozen krill, silversides and clams and live guppies ghost shrimp (alternating mostly between the frozen stuff but live every once-in-a-while for a treat)-- once or twice a day.
Let's do this-


Active Member
two feedings one in morning(b4 work)
and one in evening(after work)
flake (variuos)
frozen (brine shrimp+)
2 percs
1 snowflake
1 domino damsel
1 scooter dragonet
1 pep shrimp
(yes the shrimps do fine with the eel-he is afraid of them - very docile)
1 urchin - nasty beast - lawnmower of the sea. ever seen white LR - not a pretty picture
19 hermits
once in the morning before work and once in the evening after work, feed brine, mysis, ocean plankton, and chopped krill.
Use a little seaweed twice a week for my inverts.
Well, us "old timers" (and I mean really OLD :D) believe that you should never feed your fish at the same time every day, so as to mimick nature. In the wild the fish never know when their meal is coming, or even if they'll get one on any particular day.
So, I still vary my feeding time every day, and always skip one day a week, not always the same day either.
All my fish are old, not as old as me :D, but all are over 5 years. I've had my clown 7 years, and I got him from a friend who had had him 4 years.
So, I guess I'll stay with this schedule!!
My .02


Active Member
That is a good point, on the week days I feed b4 work ~7am and on the weekends it's about 8-9am and the critters are all waiting...
and looking a lil miffed that I'm running late. :D
Maybe mixxin it up a lil will break this behaviour......


New Member
Two-Three times a day for my yellow and purple tang, scooter blenny, valentino puffer and cleanup crew that manages to get the scraps. Morning and the occasional afternoon is flake food and evening is ALWAYS brine shrimp. I figure if I didn't stay on a somewhat rigid schedule, I would just forget to feed them. Not good. :p


I have a Koran angel, tomato clown blue damsel and a cleaner shrimp, I feed formula 1&2 twice a day, I before work, the alternate about an hour before bedtime. :D


I feed twice a day, at different times. A couple of perc. clowns, royal gramma, gobie, purple firefish, coral beauty, and a blue spotted sharpnose puffer.


I usually feed my fish about 1-2 times a day. Usually only once. I feed them shrimp, brine shrimp, scallop and sometimes live. I have triggers, puffer, and a small grouper.


Active Member
i usually feed daily, sometimes every other day. i never feed at the same time/day constantly. i find if i do that my trigger will just stay at the glass all day long swimming back and forth because he knows he is going to get fed. now that i mix up the times/ feeding days he is much more active, not staying in front of the glass all day. i feed squid, brine, krill, silversides, and predator formula. hey cchung what kind of grouper do you have? later, bo


I would love to say that I have a defined plan like Hermit, however, I feed the same random way however, it is not by design, just a strange work schedule.
Twice per day in the morning between 6 am and 9 am and in the evening between 5 pm and 9 pm. I normally skip one day out of 10 days. I feed seaweed select soaks in Zoes for one feeding, and either flake, brine or mystics for the other.
I have a regal blue tang, sailfin tang, coris wrasse, flame angel in one tank and 2 perc clowns, coralbeauty, sixline wrasse and clown gobie in the other.
I also feed the inverts a variety of items to meet their various needs. DT, brine, shrimp, varioous frozen food.


I like to change my feedings each day. I like the skipping a day a week, I am going to try that. I have in my 125 a Rock Beauty, Naso, Vagabond B/F, Flame Hawk, Fisheri angle,and a stripped puffer , I will be moving a couple of them to a 40 that I am cycleing, in the 30 hex a Royal Gramma, Six line, and a Coral Banded shrimp. Good luck


New Member
My fish are like me they like to eat 3 square meals a day. in the morning around 7 AM they get a mixture of formula 1 & 2 flake food. Then when I get home at 4:00 they get their blood worms. They love these. Then at 7:30 they get their frozen brine. I have the following fish that like the schedule:
2 blue damsels
2 yellow tailed damesels
2 neons
2 fire fish
1 EXTRA LARGE (7 in) AND MEAN yellow tang
1 fox face
1 britttle tailed star (never see, NEVER)


I feed twice a-day. Once in the morning (flake) b/4 work. Between 6-7. At nite they get frozne brime and formula 1 with flake. around 7:00 pm. Weekends a little later. :)
1 naso tang
1 Ocean Tang
1 flame hawk fish
1 blue damsel
5 chomis
1 maroon clown
1 gold stripe maroon clown
1 manderine goby
1 sally light foot
1 emerald crab
dozen or so of hermit crabs
dozen snails
I almost forgot the dragon wrass.
[ May 15, 2001: Message edited by: Shel ]