POLL: What will you be doing in regards to your tank today?


Active Member
1. Top off
2. Feed (DT, QT, and freshwater)
3. Dump 10 gallons of RO in container (sending husband for more water)
4. Add another 2 gallons to container and start mixing for 12 gallon water change tomorrow.
5. Top off again
6. Feed (DT, QT, and freshwater)
7. Several times a day look into the tank and encourage my zoos to grow, talk to my fish, and see something new. ***)

aztec reef

Active Member
just my weekly ritual of Water Change other than that i been doing some home improvement lately ..watching oscar & mayweather fight
& also cleaned my skimmer...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
4) worry the rest of the night that the mandarin is ok for the rest of its life.
boy if that aint the truth
Pretty much the same for me with the exception of the mandarin, Been there done that and still worry.
Of course i'll probably move some rock again.


Active Member
I'll turn around and remember that I have a tank, then I'll freak out and wonder how long it has been since I fed my tank, then I'll feed the fish and coral, then I'll breath a sigh of relief and the cycle will continue.


Active Member
Taring the whole thing down and selling it to some unknowing sucker. Like boats there are only two happy days with fish tanks. The day you get it and the day you get rid of it.
Just kidding; I figure that might make the worry worts feel a bit better, or perhaps worse.


New Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I'll turn around and remember that I have a tank, then I'll freak out and wonder how long it has been since I fed my tank, then I'll feed the fish and coral, then I'll breath a sigh of relief and the cycle will continue.
Hello there i bought a skimmer off of u awhile while back works great....U said there was a nice fish shop by you....What is the name of it? thanks mike mst9742004@yahoo.com also sorry if i posted this in the wrong site or way but not sure how to get ahold of u ....