Poll: which one??


Hmmm...interesting discussion. I have found that if you want to instantly endear observers to your tank setup, place a true perc in your tank. They are instantly recognizable and appreciated by people who have no fancy for aquaculture. They draw people in and they begin to ask questions about the microenviro. On the otherhand, I agree with what others have said in that if you want to be a bit unique, go for the skunk. (Wow, that wasn't much help)


Active Member
Skunks are shy and almost void of personallity when compared to a Perc.
I agree that nearly everyone will recognize a Perc or Occ.
Normally that is the main reason I have such an aversion to them. It is YOUR tank so dont waste the valuable bioload real estate with something for other people.
Personally, I vote skunk, adorable little guys....just very timid compared to other clowns.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Microview
Hmmm...interesting discussion. I have found that if you want to instantly endear observers to your tank setup, place a true perc in your tank. They are instantly recognizable and appreciated by people who have no fancy for aquaculture. They draw people in and they begin to ask questions about the microenviro. On the otherhand, I agree with what others have said in that if you want to be a bit unique, go for the skunk. (Wow, that wasn't much help)

what you said makes sense, but one thing I have noticed is anyone who looks at my tank who doesnt know much about salt water, see's my tomatoe clownfish and say look a nemo fish. in my opinion tomatoes dont look anything like nemo., but I just tell them that its nemos cousin......


Active Member
reefkprZ , I know what you mean . I have six different species of clowns at the moment and to my family and friends they all are nemos .


Active Member
Solitary, pink skunk. If a pair, perculas. My Dad had a pink skunk, great personality, similar to maroone's or cinnimons w/o the attitude. If a pair, it's hard to been the interaction of a percula pair. My pair (true female, false male) are great to watch. I just find find it wierd when I see a perc all by itself, esp. a smaller one.


Active Member
Well I decided on the Pink Skunk after I seen them in person. They are truly beautiful fish and very different. Yes everyone has "nemo" and don't get me wrong they are adorable too. I started out with a pair of these energetic fish and they are amuzing to watch.
This morning the skunk clown has found the anemone......
Little bit stressed yesterday I think and just stayed to ones side of the tank. Now this morning I was so pleased to see it in the BTA.
I only have one as with a 10 gal I know a pair would fight, plus they only brought in 2 of them both the same size. Not cheap in price either. $32.00 CDN for one. Not easy to get either but well worth the wait and cost.
Will post pictures later.......


Active Member
32 canadian is something like 4 bucks right?
LOL kidding, im kidding.
Good to hear they found the Anem right off. I am sure it helps with acclimating them to feel comfy. Post a pic of the new little dude


comes a bit late, but i like and have a pair each of percs, and skunks, my percs are my favorite of the two kinds, my skunks are shy and hide all the time in the anemones.


Active Member
Well my new pink skunk clown did not make it past 2 days. They came into the LFS quite stressed and I took a gamble with one and lost it. They did replace it for me and I chose a Perc instead. The other skunk they had died too. Pretty fish but they don't seem to get them alot and they come in very stressed all the time.
So a single Nemo it is, I will post a picture of the little one all of about 1" in size, soooo cute. But gosh I would love to have a black and white one too. I am going to see if the LFS I deal with will be able to get them soon or not. Their first bunch they waited 1 year for so if it takes that long then I will just get another perc but a bigger one.
This one seems so lonely just swimming around by itself. Has not found the anemones yet, I hope it does soon.