Poll.....Who uses Carbon?


I am stuck on whether to use carbon or not......so I am going to see what everybody else has decided to do.


I understand that carbon removes trace elements from the tank. It can remove medication from hospital tanks as well. I think that carbon is supposed to rarely be used, like for special circumstances. I don't use it personally, but I do use a UV light which probably does at least as much damage.

aquarius 1

I use carbon all of the time in my Fluval 303 Canister. It fills one of the 3 chamber inserts inside the filter and I never have problems with it. It keeps my water crystal clear and my fish are very healthy. I usually replace the carbon monthly. I don't see whats so bad about it, but thats just my opinion.


Active Member
Full time user in all of my tanks. I think it adds to water clarity and helps remove toxins. I figure the water changes keep the trace elements up.
Just my $.02


Active Member
I use it once a month for 2 to 3 days to remove any toxin build up in the tank.


thanks all, this really stinks I just through my carbon aaway the other day after someone convinced me no to use it:( oh well my research tells me that I would want to replace it anyway cause it probally wasnt any good as it was the cheap brand



Originally posted by jtroutine
thanks all, this really stinks I just through my carbon aaway the other day after someone convinced me no to use it:( oh well my research tells me that I would want to replace it anyway cause it probally wasnt any good as it was the cheap brand

jtroutine for your research needs.
I run carbon in both my tanks 24/7 and or chemi-pure 24/7.


New Member
i would never go without it....i run it in both my emporer400's 24/7....it keeps the water as clear as can be and there is absolutely no odor from the tank.....

dave flood

I use it 24/7 for 3 yrs. now.I drip kalk and do regular water changes and add trace minerals every other week. I really dont believe in adding to much stuff to tank.