Poly-filter or not-poly filter


I have a small 44 gallon reef tank setup going. I already do bi-weekly water changes and add trace elements weekly for the great colors etc. But I always have problems with slightly high nitrates. I want to add a poly-filter but I read good things and bad.
What should I do? If I add the filter, I will pull it when I add the trace elements but how long until I should put it back in.
I hear the filters are great for removing a lot of bad things.


Active Member
I to have heard lots of good stuff about them. Unfortunately, I have no first hand experience to share with you. I've been thinking about adding poly to my sump.


I use them all the time in my reef and they don't pull out the trace elements you are adding. The key is to cahnge them every two weeks or so otherwise they can lead to higher nitrates as can any sponge that is not regualrly cleaned in your system.


Change them every two weeks or so - they say you can rinse them out and re-use is this true? Also do they remove vitamins like selcon or anything? So I should use it then?


You can rinse them out. But similar to charcoal they are only doning any good a limitted period of time.