Pom Pom Crab


Ok so it's not a fish but...
If I order one from SWF.com will it come with it's anemone or do I have to have an anemone for it to steal part of?
Oh, and do I need MH's to keep his little anemone alive?


I'm not quite sure how his little anemone's work. I've got one and have had him for about 6 months now or so and every once in awhile he will drop them. A few days later I will notice that hes got one or both again. Then there are times he's got something other then an anemone that he uses to clean the rocks with. They are really cool little guys to have and I love watching mine. I would say if you buy one with pom pom's then you dont need an anemone. My anemone is purple and the one he carries around is pinkish white so I have no clue as to where he has gotten his pom pom from. I would love to know what some others have to say as well. I think my most favorite part of this little guy is...It's got to be when he is karate chopping my hermits for food.
. He just bangs away while they are stealing his food.


Yeah, what if one doesn't have any anemones in the tank? My new set-up won't have any - just some mushrooms. I know sometimes they will take other items, like pieces of Frogspawn. Any idea if they'd happy with mushrooms?