Pom-pom xenia troubles


Hello everyone, I bought a small rock with pom-pom xenia on it about... a month ago. Well I lost several heads, then i did some water changes and it got healthier. Every since, its thickend out a bit. It was down towards the bottom but i moved it to the top about a week or so ago, and its doing a bit better. My water parameters are fine, and my water is at..78. Its never looked like it did in the lfs. Any ideas?


Well, its so-so. I have a 900 maxi jet with an hydro rotating head on in. Its a 56 gal, its taller and wider the ussuall ,too. I have a spare maxi jet 400, think i should put that in there too??


Active Member
They prefer good flow, but not mandatory. do you have the same kind of lights as lfs? I've got a frag in ls in decent flow under pc's, it loves it.


Mine is under Metal haildes.. 150 watts I think. I'm not sure how well the flow is where its at. I'll study the flow some more, i think it could use the extra flow. I think the lighting is similar lighting. Do you think my lighting is enough?


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
The light factor shouldnt be an issue. Theyre filter feeders. Do you have a pic to post?
actually they are almost completly photodependant, they are about as close to it as any coral can be, they do filter feed a little but light is their mainstay as a source of nutrition.


Well i just turned off the lights, and i dont have a pic of it yet. I'll post one tomorro. Should I be adding like.. ugh marine snow or phytohplankton?? I already add iodine, lately once a week instead of twice.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
actually they are almost completly photodependant, they are about as close to it as any coral can be, they do filter feed a little but light is their mainstay as a source of nutrition.
I dont see what my problem is then? What do you think reefkprZ?


Alrighty, so i'll put in the powerhead, and get some filter feeding food, and keep my water perfect and i'll see how it goes. Thanks so muck coraljunky and rest!!!!!!


Active Member
Are you testing for iodine? There might be too much of it.Your lights are fine. I would also get some more flow in there.


My iodine is fine. I add it twice a week in my 56 gal, so i should be alright. I just read a tread talking about Instant Ocean. Well i've been using that in my reef tank from the start. Do you think this could be the source of my problem? Switch to Reef Crystals?


Originally Posted by coraljunky
The light factor shouldnt be an issue. Theyre filter feeders. Do you have a pic to post?
Heres a some pics. If someone could please tell me how it looks. Thanks!!!



Originally Posted by reefkprZ
actually they are almost completly photodependant, they are about as close to it as any coral can be, they do filter feed a little but light is their mainstay as a source of nutrition.
I just moved my xenia down to mid-tank level after having it high. My lighting is only PC's, they were bleaching out a little. I have great water flow where they were and where they are now, so I'm going to give it this week and see how they like it where they're at now and if some pink color returns. I have had mine for about a month, also, and they've been very patient with going thru several spot changes, then a re-aquascaping and now moved down. After all of this, they are still thickening up and growing well. I have been adding Reef Solution weekly. I have a kenya tree at this same level and it's really growing, too. Here's keeping my fingers crossed!


Active Member
If you're not testing your iodine levels you should not be adding any; never add anything to your tank which you do not test for. Your Xenia are exactly like mine, the white pom pom, and they do not look bleached at all. They will be a light pink in color and will open and close naturally. And as has been said in the thread (heh, didn't even mean to rhyme), they will take off like wildfire eventually. I have to scrape mine off quite a bit. I'd suggest you place them near some glass so that they will start growing up the side of your tank and not all over your rocks; it's easier to scrape them off of glass :)
Also, Xenia colonies will enter into chemical warfare with each other, so I would highly recommend that you run activated carbon.