Pom-pom xenia troubles


Originally Posted by reefernana
I have been adding Reef Solution weekly.
Thanks, what do you mean by the "reef solution"? Iodine? Reef crystals through water changes?


Originally Posted by Farslayer
If you're not testing your iodine levels you should not be adding any; never add anything to your tank which you do not test for.
Also, Xenia colonies will enter into chemical warfare with each other, so I would highly recommend that you run activated carbon.
I get my water checked by my lsf once a week, but yes i need an iodine tester. What do you mean by chemical warfare?


Active Member
Make sure your LFS checks iodine, it's not one of the "standard" tests. Chemical warfare is where neighboring corals will emit toxins to try and kill off competing colonies of corals. Carbon can remove this from the water.


Active Member
They look fine to me it just take time for them to get use to your tank. Xenia are just like that sometimes they do good and sometimes they don't. Also they like dirty water and tend to do well with a little high nitrate. Xenia will crash once in awhile and you just have to let regrow a new colony.


Originally Posted by newbieABC
Thanks, what do you mean by the "reef solution"? Iodine? Reef crystals through water changes?
Reef Solution is an additive with all the right nutrients in it for corals to thrive and it's good for fish, too. It's got everything except Calcium or an Alkalinity buffer. I've only been using it for a few weeks now, but my little coral frags sure have been growing and looking very healthy. My lfs recommended it and they have been in business for over 20 years. Just google it and you can check it out!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
Reef Solution is an additive with all the right nutrients in it for corals to thrive and it's good for fish, too. It's got everything except Calcium or an Alkalinity buffer. I've only been using it for a few weeks now, but my little coral frags sure have been growing and looking very healthy. My lfs recommended it and they have been in business for over 20 years. Just google it and you can check it out!

I've seen the stuff at my LFS, but still, don't add anything unless you test for it. Too much of any chemical is a bad idea. Too much iodine and your inverts will prematurely molt and likely not survive. Usually speaking, your salt mix will have what you need, so regular water changes are typically sufficient. If you do dose, make sure you test it yourself. The test kits aren't too much and can save you a headache down the road.


Thanks all!! Do any of you think i should switch to reef crystals? Would this benifit me, because right now i'm using the instant ocean. Whatcha Think?


Originally Posted by newbieABC
Thanks all!! Do any of you think i should switch to reef crystals? Would this benifit me, because right now i'm using the instant ocean. Whatcha Think?
From everything I have been reading about IO and --, I am also considering switching. I can't see how it would hurt.


Originally Posted by newbieABC
Well i just ran out of salt yesterday so when i get some more i think i'll get the reef crystals.
Just do small water changes, as needed, so it is a gradual switch.


Can someone tell me if i should switch to reef crystals for my reef tank? I'm currently using Instant Ocean.


Originally Posted by newbieABC
Can someone tell me if i should switch to reef crystals for my reef tank? I'm currently using Instant Ocean.
I don't know anything about reef crystals, but I use Seachem's Reef Salt and have since day one had great water readings. Have never had to add calcium or any buffers to adjust. They have awesome products and it's all my lfs uses and they've been around over 20 years. That was good enough for me!


Originally Posted by newbieABC
Can someone tell me if i should switch to reef crystals for my reef tank? I'm currently using Instant Ocean.
Ummm....I thought you already decided to do that. I have heard plenty of people here say they switch salts occasionally. However, IMO, it is better to find one you like and stick with it. You can start using Reef Crystals if you want, just do the changes gradually with each water change, not one big change all at once.


Originally Posted by rabbit_72
Ummm....I thought you already decided to do that. I have heard plenty of people here say they switch salts occasionally. However, IMO, it is better to find one you like and stick with it. You can start using Reef Crystals if you want, just do the changes gradually with each water change, not one big change all at once.
Yes, i'm going to make the switch. I just wanted to know how it benifits, thats all.