Pom-Pom Xenia


I have been trying to set xenia's onto shells, with very little sucess. Local lfs tells me to try gel super glue, the xenia slimes the new shell or rock & wont stick longer than a few hours. lfs also suggested netting, or rubber band to hold the xenia till it attaches. this also does not work well, xenia's tend to wither.
best I can do is set the new home next to the parent xenia, and in about two weeks a piece will attach.
Any advise on how to do this?


I have used ruber bands also a small tuber ware bowl in bottom of tank with small rocks or shells in bottom and lay corals on them out of any flow and wait and they will attach. Good luck


I run a toothpick through the bottom of the xenia then tie a rubberband arounnd the toothpick. The xenia may wilt slightly but will recover really quick. The xenia should attach withen a week.


Find an area in your tank with little flow, and put a shallow tupperware dish in it with holes drilled in it. Cover the bottom of the tupperware dish with rubble rock. put frag of pomm pomm in and it will attach in 3-5 days, maybe less.
I have been doing the above "method" for about a month now and have had excellent success. My lfs even gives me $4-5 store credit!

You can see my frag tray in the bottom let of the picture below. Good Luck!