pom pom


i know a pom pom crab is reef safe but can it go with a yellow tang in 55gl yes i know should't be in there and 2 clarkii clowns and 2 purple fire fish and any other info would be helpful


i dont see a problem with having a pom pom in there being how small they are they should do fine and pose no problem to the tang but thats just my opinion......and obviously you already know that people are going to tell you to take out the tang and not actually answer your question so ill try and help you out. So how about we help out fish3 and answer the question and forget about the tang other than will it go good with a pom pom crab.


the tang wont even notice the pom pom crab... theyre a nice addition to a reef tank... and about the anemones... itll lose them in no time.
GL though if you get one. GL seeing it that is... ive had mine for a month and a half and ive only seen it once since.. and that was last night.


not a prob fish3........ya i thought about getting one but when i saw how small they were i figured i would never see so i wasnt about to pay $14 for somethin i would never see. but it is a very interesting invert.


Active Member
My LFS tried to talk meout of getting one cause he said it was a waste of money cause i would never see it, couldn't talk me out of it sogave it to me free
And he was right, haven't seen it since i put it in. Don't even know if he has pom poms, i was hoping he wouldclip some of my anenome and carry it around, don't know if he did or not.


I have three in my 50 gal. and see them about two to three times a week when I feed, but you have to be looking for them. Not much difference in habit like most crabs.