poop string?????



Do you people not see the "occupation", do you not see the time?? I'm lmao, waking up the kids... See this could be bad parenting.
I get to see poop all day long (2 in diapers), hey, that WAS fun... POOP, POOP, POOP... Oh yeah, time for bed!!!



Originally posted by Tizzo
Have you not read I.D. Plz?? (Just as addictive)




Originally posted by krishj39

Hey Krishj39,
I think your avatar really IS saying...poop. Yeah, I'm sure of it, poop it is!!


Active Member
Many an hour has been spent trying to answer that very question: what IS he saying? Well, I can sleep easy tonight finally having the mystery solved. POOP it is! If there is anything funnier than poop, I haven't found it.


ahhh yes.....but poop cannot be the answer...can it???? are we poopless,....poopfull.......I don't know...........to poop, or not to poop......that is the real question...??????


Active Member
No one has commented about their fish eating poop. My fish practically fight each other so they can eat each other's poop. :eek: I thought I have been feeding them well. :thinking:
I thought the poop was supposed to be eaten by bristleworms and my filtration unit. Do the fish smell residual protein (like dogs do) and only eat the good stuff?
Or perhaps I need to get them into therapy?:confused: Anyone know of a good fish psychologist?


Active Member
My fish are also poop eaters. What's more is that they are picky about who's poop it is. Each fish is selective about who's poop it will eat, but every fish has at least one other fish in the tank that's happy to make its poop a sloppy seconds meal. And of course, all the fish fight over the anenome poop. My 6-line in particular will stop by and hover over the anenome's mouth about once every minute.
Atf88, are you still here or did you abandon your thread a long time ago?


Active Member
this is the funniest thread ive read in a while.. lol nothing like some poop jokes to brighten up a day



Originally posted by elfdoctors
No one has commented about their fish eating poop. My fish practically fight each other so they can eat each other's poop. :eek: I thought I have been feeding them well. :thinking:
I thought the poop was supposed to be eaten by bristleworms and my filtration unit. Do the fish smell residual protein (like dogs do) and only eat the good stuff?
Or perhaps I need to get them into therapy?:confused: Anyone know of a good fish psychologist?

well....."SINCE" we are on the subject...my 2 perc clowns usally make a bee dive for my Yellow Tangs' ( The "Poopster").....uh...."drop offs".........it's pretty cool to see 2 perc clowns in unison dive 90 to nothingand then do a complete 180!!!!!!!! Unforntuately they have to be nose to..."poop".... before they realize what it is......of course I'm at the glass going "no,no,no,..."POOP NO GOOD!!!" They manage to wheel around at the last second, just in time to let the poopage go it's merry way. Whew!!..........


Active Member
:jumping: on the subject of poop. i got a snail this week and he just left a huge pile of poop. about ten pieces of poop in a pile.



Originally posted by sweetdawn
:jumping: on the subject of poop. i got a snail this week and he just left a huge pile of poop. about ten pieces of poop in a pile.

...."eeeewwwww".....that reminds me...I cut my grass this afternoon and my dog has had a little ...uh....GI ....problem this past week.....I wasn't aware of it..... untill i cut the grass today.....I became immediately aware as soon as I ran over the....."pile". Trust me, it's much better to have a snail with a poop problem, than have my 70lb dog with a poop problem...........................:nervous:


Originally posted by belothsurf
[B Trust me, it's much better to have a snail with a poop problem, than have my 70lb dog with a poop problem...........................:nervous: [/B]
Hershey squirts...EEEEWWWW