pooping puffer


my puffer gets really dark and acts weird before letting the big one go...Then hes fine, Anyone have this problem...
And does anybody feed their fish uncooked shrimp from the grocery store?
and how often?
It is part of my aggressive fishes regular diet. The triggers love it. I also hand feed my stars with it as well.
I have never seen a porky taking a #2 but that description made me laugh. Guess he needs a little more fiber in his diet to help it out (j/k) LOL :D


i usually get a little emotional b4 letting the big one go but then i feel better right after also...lol
i feed my lion and eel shrimp all the time with no problems, its actually cheaper buying it from a seafood store or grocery store.


Active Member
my dogface used to do this all the time along with fanninn his tail back and forth really fast so he could work it out and spread it all over the tank.:D


Active Member
Actually the fiber may help, i know u were joking but try to look into that. I have heard of the garlic solution also, although I have never witnessed any of my fish ---- but i have never seen anything as you describe. Try those out and see what happens. He's just a little corked at the moment.


Puffers are the funniest fish to #2. Each has their own distinct behavior.


Active Member
smaller pieces will only help if he isn't eating the food. In TFL's April issue they had a segment about how some fish don't really eat but the swallow and let it go throught heir body without excepting it. IF that is the case I can understand the problem of our poor puffy's #2 issue but the digestion will aid in the minimizing the size of the krill and plus some other stuff will hapen to turn the krill and... i'm going to stop typing...


New Member
not quite the same but I saw my red coris eat a ghost shrimp, take a #2 and then go back into the sand in a matter of about 2 minutes, I think he picked that up from watching me after a long night out on the town. :D


Well, after reading all of these post I understand more about the problem...
I think if I make the pieces smaller he will be able to digest it smoother. It only makes since..