poor condition clownfish from SWF


New Member
I just bought 2 clownfish from SWF and they both arrived in poor condition. The fins were bad and they were both pale in color with no black bars hardly at all. I contacted them and sent some pics telling them they were in bad shape. They told me the fins were fine (they are not) and they agreed on the pale color due to stress. This morning one of the clowns is starting to swim on its side. Is there anything I can do before this poor clown dies?


Active Member
fins grow back maybe why hes swimming on his side.
are they eating?
make sure no other fish is picking on them and if they are even a little bit eating they should heal up and be fine.
clowns are pretty tough fish


New Member
Well the clown that I was concerned about died yesterday and the other one is acting the sameway the first clown was. I am afraid I will loose this clown before the end of the day. The rest of my fish are all doing great. I must have bought sickly clowns. I tested my water and everything came out perfect. I have bought fish from SWF before and had excellent success.Just bad luck this time. I should have known I was going to have problems when they arrived in such poor condition. Lesson learned I guess.
Here is a couple pics of them.The one that has sharp black markings is the fish I bought from SWF over a month ago. These pics are 6hours after I
Acclimated them as recommended.



So how many clowns do you actually have? I thought you're only supposed to keep 2 max anyways?


Originally Posted by wildncrazyone
Well the clown that I was concerned about died yesterday and the other one is acting the sameway the first clown was. I am afraid I will loose this clown before the end of the day. The rest of my fish are all doing great. I must have bought sickly clowns. I tested my water and everything came out perfect. I have bought fish from SWF before and had excellent success.Just bad luck this time. I should have known I was going to have problems when they arrived in such poor condition. Lesson learned I guess.
Here is a couple pics of them.The one that has sharp black markings is the fish I bought from SWF over a month ago. These pics are 6hours after I
Acclimated them as recommended.
you do realize that unless you have a large tank you should probably only keep 2? Are you sure the others are not beating up on him?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Are clowns from Swf captive bred? If not why didnt you qt the guy. If they come in all stressed why would add them to a tank with aggressive fish? Damsels and clowns can be very aggressive towards new comers. You need to get that clown out and in a tank on itd own. Unless your tank is huge 3 clowns is too many. 4 was just plain silly to think it would work.
If the clown is not CB they coyld have a disease and the stress of being shipped could have lowered their immune system. This would cause the disease to take over rapidly. This could also kill your others.


Active Member
from the pic, they look ok. but like everyone was saying, u cant add new clownfish to an existing group of clownfish in a tank. the existing ones will surely attack the new comers.


Active Member
from the pic, they look ok. but like everyone was saying, u cant add new clownfish to an existing group of clownfish in a tank. the existing ones will surely attack the new comers. i also see what looks like an aiptasia in the 1s pic.


Active Member
i dont think the percs are anywhere as nasty as something like a tomato or maroon.in fact mine seem a bit dim witted.
i have a maroon with 2 percs and they are fine together.
the maroon will nip at anyone of my fish no matter what size if they come to his house.