Poor Flame died


New Member
:notsure: I have no idea what happened but heres the scenario. I bought a Flame angel from SWF last month and he was doing perfect, eating everything. I went to a training today for work and got back around 1:00am and checked on my tank. I found my Flame being eaten by my hermits
. I'm wondering if anyone else has oredered any dwarf angels from SWF and had this happen. There was no signs of distress, he was eating well this morning before I left. I have nothing in the tank that could've killed him either, at least that I don't know of.... :notsure: :help:


rabbit, sorry for your loss, unfortunately the same thing just happened yesterday to my girls tank. Shes gota 10 gal hex that had a clown, small half black, and a cleaner shrimp. was eatin good, looked great, just swimmin like crazy in and outta the LR thats in there one night, next morning, layin at the bottom of the tank. No reason why, parameters are ph-8.3, amm-0, nitrite-0, nitrate-5, sg-1.023 any clues for those of you more knowledgable??? BTW, tanks been up and running for 8 months now, all fish have been in for about 5 months next week. All were drip acclimated for about 1.5-2 hours.


Active Member
Flame angels are often caught with cyanide. 120 reefer..what are your values for phosphate and alkalinity? Temp? Are you topping off daily? Water changes weekly?

joe 09

i have lost two flames with the same thing, after 1 mo. and everything normal.there are a lot of people on the net having the same tbl.just one more thing flames will die with any copper in the tank,and a lot lfs keep small amounts of cpooer in there tanks.


Just read about cyanide used for collecting angels. Apparently they suffer long term damage from it. They will appear to be fine then one day will just drop dead. That could have been the problem.


I lost a flame angel the same way. It was doing great, eating and swimming happily for about seven weeks. Then one day he's dead at the bottom of the tank, even though the other fish were doing great. I agree with Firedog concerning the cyanide.


New Member
Yeah that's what I'm thinking, could be cyanide. Because the rest of my fish are doing great. Does anyone know if they catch all angels with cyanide?? Wondering about an emperor... :thinking:


It depends where the angels are caught. Many LFS stores will only sell hand caught fish. Generally if they come from around hawii they are ok. Anything caught in the Phillipenes is almost aways caught with cynide


Put me on the list as well. 2 weeks and he was strong and constantly eating. One morning he was mia and I found him that night in the back of the tank. DOA with no cause.