Poor guy never had a chance


jackie dh

I got my SWF.com order today, my long awaited Powder Blue Tang was deader than a door nail when I opened the bag. Normaly I would go ahead a try to aclimate a dead looking fish but in this case there was no hope, the fish was already ridged. I know that I will get my money back but what a waste of a beautiful little fish. I don't know if I am going to order another one later for fear of DOA.
Are they know for being hard to ship or am I just unlucky?

shrimpy brains

Sorry about the Tang. It's alwasys heart breaking when we lose 'em. Doesn't matter how long we've had it cuz we all love our fishy friends.
I would try to order another, but wait till the temps drop some. I don't think those delivery trucks have AC, and even cold packs will only last so long in this heat!

jackie dh

I was worried about the temps because it is HOT today but the box wasn't overly warm on the inside, there was another DOA, a green Chromis but the rest of the order was fine, corals, more Chromis and a royal gramma.


Originally Posted by Jackie DH
Are they know for being hard to ship or am I just unlucky?

Some fish just don't make it.....it's always a risk we take when ordering online, or even when we buy from a store....
I would definitely recommend re-ordering from here, and as Shrimpy said.....you may want to wait...altho in our neck of the woods...cooler weather is like September or October

shrimpy brains

It is possible that there was something wrong with these fish that just didn't show until they were stressed from shipping. Sometimes, fish just don't make it.

Fish get shipped all the time in extremely hot and cold temps, and many have no issues. I just figure the extremes add to the possibility of something going wrong, but don't know.

jackie dh

I'm in SE MO, we are having highs over 100 right now, it will be Oct before it cools off. I usually try to order fish in the spring and fall and avoid the times when the temps are extreme but SWF had the tangs on sale and 10% off plus half price shipping and I couldn't resist! I will wait a while before I order again but I don't know if I can stand to wait until fall..... thats a long way away and my tank is sooooo empty. :/


LOL...I knowwwwwwwwwww....Here in SE OK....it's just as HOT.....I order during the summer too

SWF packs there boxes very well....at least mine have always been apcked well for the weather whether it be hot or cold......
As I said before....sometimes they just don't ship well.......not necesarily the type of fish....just that one particular fish...know what I mean

jackie dh

*Sigh* I found another Chromis being eaten by the snails and now another one is missing. Looks like my Chromis school is going to only have one fish in it. :(
Sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my first hippo tang 2 weeks after I got him. So I tried again he is doing great I've had him 4 weeks and he's doing fine. I would try again. If it happens again wait till its a little cooler.

jackie dh

I'm getting irritated with SWF, it been a week and I haven't seen a refund on my CC or even a SWF credit.


That's very unlike them. Post this in the ASK SWF section of the forum. If Scott is made aware, it will get taken care of.

jackie dh

I finally got an email from them, the system wouldn't allow the refund so their accountant is supposed to take care of it Tuesday. I need the money, I lost my mind wed and bought a Purple Tang! I have never spent any were near that much money for a fish in my life! A Purple was a better choice for my tank any way, much hardier and less aggressive. I had one for several years and he was big and beautiful and never really bothered the other fish much. :)

jackie dh

I got the refund today!
The Purple is doing well despite every thing that he had been through, kind of pale but eating like a purple piggy. It had just arrived at the fish store that day and even got a freshwater dip, then bagged up and home with me. The fish store doesn't drip acclimate, I think that they just float the bag and add a little water from time to time and dump the fish in. :(