Poor London!


Wow, glad to not be in London. That's so horrible, hopefully if anyone on here has friends or family there they are ok. Somedays I think this world has really gone to the sh*tter.


Oh Gosh, I just went to NY 3 weeks ago to interview for a job in London, Got it and turned it down!! I wish terrorists didnt exist and peace could becomest (made up word!!)
Everyone should have a salt water fish tank to calm the soul!!!!!!!

darth tang

Active Member
Yes its horrible news. But we can't go to war without consequences.
I am sorry, who was the US at war with at the time of 9/11?
This is not about war. It is about an "organizations" dislike for a way of life and basically racism. All terrorists act by Al Qaeda are based on these two things. It doesn't matter what is going on at the time. I feel for those in London, but at the same time, the English are strong people. They dealt with Terrorists far more than any other country when the IRA was active. For a while they had a bombing atleast once a week. I believe al Al Qaeda managed to do was piss of a lot of people.


New Member
Horrible, I live in the Metro NY, NJ area. As far as war goes, this is not a conventional war. We need to bring back Spies, and infiltrators like we had during the cold war. In this situation they're no uniforms to go after. Al-Queda could be mine or your neighbors.


Active Member
Here here, DarthTang!
Just gotta keep on living. I lived in Israel - theres nothing worse than giving up. You get shot at on the bus, your neighborhood is surrounded and threatened, you avoid ANY package/container/bag that's not yours... but you still pick yourself up and go to work, and get your groceries. Whoever it is, they can't get us down. We are human and will continue to LIVE.
NJOcean - cute idea, but we dont need another witch-hunt in this country. And let's not get all paranoid about everything. Not ALL people propagate this crap - it's the leaders who disseminate it.
Keep your people poor, uneducated and helpless, and they will flock like sheep to do whatever you tell them. It's not an excuse - it's an explanation.
All that money we send over there - those countries are poorer and dirtier than EVER, but their leaders still live in palaces with ever more wives and money. Where do u think that wealth came from??
Take out the leadership and give those countries to the people. They'll be too busy getting their sh*t together to be bothering us anymore.


Active Member
yeah aint that crazy!!!!! friggin nuts mang!!!!! when i found about this bobming stuff yesturday afthernoon i was like wtf.... only place left the terrorist havnt hit is France.... i know what u may be thinking (maybe that it's only france who care about them) but i do.. cuzz it's not kool at all to have innocent people die because someone is and wanna be a J**rkoff...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I am sorry, who was the US at war with at the time of 9/11?
This is not about war. It is about an "organizations" dislike for a way of life and basically racism. All terrorists act by Al Qaeda are based on these two things. It doesn't matter what is going on at the time. I feel for those in London, but at the same time, the English are strong people. They dealt with Terrorists far more than any other country when the IRA was active. For a while they had a bombing atleast once a week. I believe al Al Qaeda managed to do was piss of a lot of people.
We were at war befor 9/11
Clinton shot a cruise missle at a training camp in Afganestan and then the Cole that Bush did nothing about.....
This is war but its not a war your going to win with war....


Active Member
Cut off their financial resources ... yada, yada, yada. That would be great, no money no travel, no weapons. Now, try doing this 100% .... I don't think so. Bomb the hell outta them? I'd love to see it happen, but are you going to get all of them in one place? ...No!
These dirtbags have planted themselves all over the world and have plans .... that's the scary thing. The decent countries of the world are going to have to unite to flush these scumbags out, or we'll never have true peace.


Active Member
A lot of people like to say "well, they went into Iraq too" and that is why they were a target. And we support Israel and that is why we are a constant target. But if that is so, why are there Muslim wars with Hindu's in India? I went to a uni with lots of Pakistani and Indian students and they hated each other. And what of the Muslim wars with Christians in Indonesia? Sure we in America don't like to have to learn this whole "geography" thing and that "history" stuff is even worse. But it means that we are at risk of missing a lot of info. And I am sorry, but if you think this started with the Iraq war, or 9/11 or even with Clinton, or Bush...then you need to go study. Because actually it has been an issue for a good thousand years give or take a couple, and it is becoming more prominant as cultures become more diverse, borders open, and technology advances. You don't need an army anymore that you can ride out and meet. You need one guy on a bus.
Don't be so quick to blame America first...there are certain sects of Muslims (not all, but definitely some) who are after anyone who thinks differently.
And like the British stood by and mourned for us on 9/11, I can only hope Americans can turn away from their weekend entertainment for a bit and mourn with the British.

darth tang

Active Member
We were at war befor 9/11
Clinton shot a cruise missle at a training camp in Afganestan and then the Cole that Bush did nothing about.....
This is war but its not a war your going to win with war....
WE launched two missles at empty training facilities and buildings that Clinton Ordered. However, we were not engaged in any sort of major warfare such as Iraq and Afghanistan. This was Nemo lover's implication because the English joined us in these two declarations of war and were physically involved, this is just a side effect of that. I was pointing out it wasn't a side effect of this. The fact is like Ophiura has stated, this "action" has been going on for decades. There is no single reason for it either. Therefore to immediately place blame for this as a direct result of Britains actions in Iraq or Afdghanistan is preposterous at best.
I have never hated anyone in my life. Truly hated that is. I have disliked, but never hated. I can honestly say I hate the terrorist factions that support, condone, aid, or carry out these attacks. It is a cowards way. It is a blatant targeting of innocent civilians to illicit nothing more than a reaction and hopefully spread mass fear. I believe they screwed up this time. As I said, Britain has been attacked throughout history, and if history proves anything, it tends to just piss the Brits off. I held my moment of silence yesterday, I am saddenned by this action and my thoughts go with those who have lost loved ones through this action.
I trully hope either England or ourselves get Bin Laden's head on a Pike in the near future, but that won't stop this, only cripple these actions and organizations.


"Clinton shot a cruise missle at a training camp in Afganestan and then the Cole that Bush did nothing about....."
The Cole bombing happened under Clinton, and so did the first WTC bombing. Its Clinton who did nothing. Its time that the US and its allies put and end to these people. they are a waste of life.


Active Member
With all due respect to the people of London, I did not make that statement to imply that Bush or Clinton is or is not doing the right things. I made it in responce to Darth Tangs statement that we were not at war befor 9/11 and that the two examples I use are acts of war.....
There has been many more and going back centeries and many Presidents, like others have said.....


Active Member
Whatchu gonna do? sit in the middle of the street and just WATCH while they blow up the country?
Puhleeeeze. Ghandi already proved to us that pacificity doesn't work.


I say send Team America in on the terrorist, they will whip them out and there entire counrty. :yes: Or send all these good for nothing racist rednecks in and have then go after the terrorist, they will fight until they are both whipped out so we will have 2 problems solved at once. :cheer:

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
With all due respect to the people of London, I did not make that statement to imply that Bush or Clinton is or is not doing the right things. I made it in responce to Darth Tangs statement that we were not at war befor 9/11 and that the two examples I use are acts of war.....
There has been many more and going back centeries and many Presidents, like others have said.....

And I will ask again, what war were we engaged in at the time to illicite such attacks to chalk them up as consequences of war?