Pop Eye on Percula Clown


New Member
I have had my tank set up for months now, and yesterday I noticed one of my percula clownfish has a swollen eye. I went and got some manacyn2 I believe it's called and started all my fish on it. I have not had any fish added to the tank, and right now I am only runing damsels to ensure that my tank stays healthy.
Will he survive? Should I QT him somewhere for right now? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Welcome to the forum, Sorry your first post has to be in the Desease and Treatmemt, but welcome anyway.
Your first step is to check your water quality. If you test it yourself, fine, then have your lfs test it. Most likely a water change is all you need. (like 30%).
Please post your water paramiters including Nitrate, salinity, temp, anything that you can test for.
You say you are treating with the maracyn-two now. What doseage?
Are there any corals or live rock in the main tank?
What size tank? filtration?


New Member
The clown didn't make it. I am following the recommended dosage on the box itself. It says add 2 tablets per 10 gallons of water. 2 - 5 day, add 1 per 10 gallons of water. Repeat a second week if needed.
I keep my water pretty well clean. I change it ever two weeks and have not needed a protein skimmer as I only have damsels and 2 clowns in the tank. I do have three sally lightfoot crabs though. Filtration, is a wet system with carbon activated filters. Not sure the name of it.
Salinty - 1.024 to 1.026
Nitrate - 25 ppm
Temp - 79
PH - 8.3
No live rock or coral in tank. Just the above.


That was a really quick death for just popeye so I suggest there was something else wrong with your fish, at least that is my opinion.
What other fish are in the tank and how do they look?


New Member
4 Zebra Damsels
2 Domino Damsels
1 Percula Clown
2 Green Damsels
1 Blue/Yellow Damsel
3 Sally Lightfoots
All Look fine, no spots or anything. Has been in the tank for 2 months now with regular water changes. Any ideas on what to look for?


New Member
Ok, I never use a net for them. They have been in the tank since new so I am just curious. I did have an outbreak of brown algae if this makes any difference, but I treated for that and it's almost gone except for what the crabs get.
Two nights ago I did a 50% water change in the tank, so I am not sure if he has had it for a while. I work nights this month so my wife has been maintaining my tank for me.
How often do you feed them I was told every other day, and that the light should only be on 8 hours a day, no more right now. Is this right, what should the PH, Nitrate/NiTrite Levels be at? Any information would be great.
Also, can you put a Maroon Clown Fish in with Perculas, more than one?


New Member
I spoke with a local shop who asked me to check for stray voltage in the tank from submersiable pumps, heaters, and etc. He asked me to put a grounding rod in the tank and and treat with some ICH medicine. He also said for me to remove any crabs, shrimp, and etc for 10 days.
Any opinions?


New Member
Yes they do, they are gathered around the gills of the fish at this point. They gave me something called Formalin.
Have you heard of it. As a cop I am taught to gather all sides of evidence and fact before I make a decision, so don't take offense please.


Active Member
LOL Hey Duputy, trust these guys they know what their talking about, dont trust the LFS, may I ask where is Crawfordville is?


New Member
18 miles south of Tallahassee, FL. Wakulla County, Florida. I do trust them, but I have had 1 clownfish die, 1 sally lightfoot die, and I don't want this to happen again.
How is the weather in your area?


Active Member
Weather nice today No rain,:) 81 right now,
I was reading back a bit, 50% water change, ?
seem like alot at one time is that what you usally do?
do you make your own SW? RO/DI water? how big is your tank?o


New Member
I make my own saltwater. I usually mix it in a 5 gallon bucket and let it sit overnight before a water change. The store i purchased my fish at recommended the waterchange when I had my problem with my little clown.
What is RO & DI stand for?
The tank I believe is a 60 - 65 gallon. Here are the measurements on it.
4ft 1" in length
1ft 2" wide
1ft 8" tall


Active Member
Nice, Lengh x width x height,devide by 231= your gallons
you have a 60 gallon, RO/DI, is reverse osmosis, deionized water,
Filtered water,Do you use tap water?or store bought distilled water, IMO water is the most important thing, tap water may have Phosphates or silicates which cause promblems, so before this problem how much water do you change a week or 2 weeks?


New Member
Sorry it has tken me so long to reply. Got to work tongiht so I am trying to get some sleep between now and then. I use water out of the faucet. It is filtered and clean, and not harsh on the animals.
Just as a precaution I use dechlorinator and such to remove any trace amounts of chlorine from the water and other impurities. It's mixed up 24 hours before with treatment before I do a water change so it doesn't stress my fishes to much. Dish do seem to be perking up but don't look like the ICH is going away to fast. I am using formalin and maracyn 2 for treatment. Carbon activators have been removed from filters to help with the healing time and accuracy of the medicine to do it's job.


Active Member
Ever check your Phosphate levels, ?
Tap water is the evil of future problems:)
AHHH yes sleeping during the Day,
I worked 12x8s for 7 years straight,:cool:
you become like a Vampire after a while,


New Member
Phosphates, no actually I don't. I am looking for a good master test kit to test everything. Know of any?
Will respond later tonight if you answer when I am not busy. Thanks for the help thus far though.


Staff member
STOP using the formalin and the maracyn2. You problem is only ich, correct?
Do you have inverts in that tank?? Inverts can not handle formaldehyde or antibiotics. If you have inverts, corals, what are they?
Start using your carbon filters again ASAP!
Post a closeup pic of your sick fish, please.


New Member
I have no coral in the tank as of yet. Inverts, all I have are crabs at this point. The fish are all active and swimming around in the tank.
Clown has some spots on him look like brown cuts or something next to the first white stripe. My black domino damsels have little white freckles around the eyes and gills.
Formalin says to stop using carbon based filters during treatment. So I did, I am not using the maracyn 2 anymore, I started it after the maracyn 2 didn't seem to stop it if it is ich. But it was at the end of it's cycle anyways. More like a skin infection or something. My digital camera isnt good enough to post quality pics like that, it's 5 years old.