pope died


“Then if god does not control anything here on earth then why do people ask him to effect change?”
I went to the Catechism of the Catholic Church for some answers to this:
“1795 "Conscience is man's most secret core, and his sanctuary. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths" (GS 16). ..Man is rational and therefore like God; he is created with free will and is master over his acts.[27] …”
Even as humans, fully in control of our actions, there are still things beyond our control and beyond our reach. Humans often ask others for help when they can’t handle the weight of something; asking God for that same help is no different. As Christians, we believe that the Holy Spirit lives within us and guides us to make right decisions. Still, as humans with free will, it is our choice to listen and to act. It is an active and evolving relationship.
“I agree and fanatics with anything can be trouble, however religous fanaticism has started more wars and caused more crimes then any other type of fanatacism in Human history”
I still disagree with this. Yes, religious differences have led to war, but so have political motivations, ideological differences, thirst for power, class struggle, and cultural differences to name a few. Claiming religion to commit a crime is not religious fanaticism, it’s a cop out excuse, in my opinion.
“I said 90% because science does not currently have an explanation for everything, think about 200 or even 100 years ago when Science could barely explain our world or the cosmos? Given another 100 or 200 years and we will probably be able to explain 99% or maybe even 100% of our surroundings.”
For me personally, the more science unravels about the mysteries of the universe, the more my faith increases.
“This one is a hard point to argue for me. Infinity is simply and idea however and god is a conscious being so they are fairly different.”
Yes, infinity is an idea, but that doesn’t stop people from believing it. For some, God is an idea and not a conscious being, but I still believe in God.”
:sleepy: It's official. My brain hurts now. Sato, do you have any Asparin?:)


I would continue to discuss this but I dont think either of us are going to change each others minds or find loopholes in the others way of thinking.
Theology is in my opinion very interesting, but to me its no different from ancient mythology. All that stuff was believed back then before the days of christianity and I feel that one day something else will come along and then Christianity, Islam, Bhuddism and Hinduism will all be regarded as Mythology.


I agree with what you're saying to a degree. Certain portions of the Bible can be viewed as folklore or mythology, but a great deal of it is history. Things like Jesus' parables in the new testament are told with the intention of teaching a moral. The Old Testament is a little tricky because most of it was based on oral history and recording an oral history is a challenge, but the majority of it is fact based.
There are too many historical accounts of Christ, however (from pagan and Jewish sources) for me to deny his existence, or his importance.
But, you have another point. We're really not going to change eachother's minds and I'm not trying to. It's just an interesting topic to discuss and you've managed to challenge me to go back and read and consider, so I can safely say that this has been an educational experience. Wow, I actually learned something at work:cheer:


Thank you Sato and Mola, I learned from both of you a little of what you each believe and why. Of course I agree and defend what Mola says, but it is great to hear what others think also. How else are we all going to learn.