

One of my Clownfishes has popeye in both eyes. First she had it in one eye but I read in a book Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson that it will heal by it's self in about 2 weeks. Well 2 days later she has popeye in both eyes now. And in the book it also said it could be caused by poor water or if it had raw seafood in the past 2 or 3 months then that is the cause, and will also heal itself in about 2 weeks. So I did a 1 gallon water change yesterday to clear a bit of the water out. I didn't do a big water change because I did a 3 gallon water change about a week ago. Am I on the right track here? Or should I try something else? The temp is 75-79


Active Member
You should post this in the fish/disease forum. There is a great FAQ section with pics. Definitely post all your parameters.


You should google it I think I remeber reading recently that pop eye in both eyes is most likely a parasite where as one eye is a infection from an injury I think