

New Member
I have a porcupine puffer that started out with ick and now has popeye. The last dose of treatment was Saturday and he was looking much better. Well today his eyes are cloudy again. We started the medicine again, but I wonder if anyone has any other suggestions? I'd really hate to lose this guy!


Staff member
What medication are you using?? Do you have the fish in a QT? More info please.


New Member
It is by Marcadel. It is supposed to treat for popeye, fin rot, and dropsy.
We do not have a QT tank, we never even thought of it until I visited this site.
Now the puffer is even worse and the tank is cloudy. We are going to do a 30% water change but I don't know if this puffer is going to make it.


Staff member
Is your tank FO?? What type of filters do you have? What else is in your tank. A lot of questions, I know, but I need to have as much info as you can give so I can come up with an informed suggestion.
I would proceed with the large water change, and no more of this medication at this point.


New Member
No problem about the questions I appreciate the help!:)
The tank is fish only, we have a wet/dry filter, currently we have
1 porcupine puffer
1 coral beauty
1 yellow tang
2 percula clown
We checked all the levels in the tank we have no ammonia, no nitrites, the nitrates were about 10, the pH is right on, and the salinity is 1.022.
As I stated before we did one treatment of the medicine for 7 days. We just did the water change tonight. About a 25% change.
Again, thank you so much for the help!


Staff member
How did you treat the ich? Did you treat the ich?? Does the fish still have ich?
I think that will cover all the questions before I can give you some suggestions.


New Member
We treated the ick with quick cure. After one day of thinking he had ick he developed the cloudy eyes and then our LFS said we should treat for that.
Bad news . . .the puffer did not make it. But now the coral beauty is developing the cloudy eye. I don't know what to do and am really really frustrated.
Thanks for your help!


Staff member
Actually cloudy eyes with subsequent eye infection are pretty common with ich. Stop using that medication.
You need to do hyposalinity to address the ich. Hyposalinity will also address some immeidate stress that you fish may be experiencing. If you have a true FO tank, then you can perform this procedure in your main tank. I would suggest that you begin immediately. You will need a lot of declorinated water, and buffer as well as pH test kits. Salt water will drop pH as the water becomes less saline. Take a look at the hyposalinity post in the FAQ Thread at the top of the forum for the details on this procedure.
Now for the fish's eye. How is it now? Is it actually poped out like a bubble covering or is it still just hazy and bit swollen? Is the fish eating and acting generally ok now, or is he obviously stressed and not eating? See if you can find Maracyn Two for Saltwater Fish. Tell me how the eye and fish are doing before we decide on how and when to treat the eye. In the meantime, start the hyposalinity immediately.


New Member
I assure you that this is in fact a fish only tank.
The coral beauty's eye is is maily cloudy with a white film over it. His behavior appears to be normal he is eating and swimming around.
But now, my two clown fish are white from head to tail. They do have a few little white spots on them.
We did do the 25% water change on Tuesday night. If it is okay
I will begin the hypo salinity process today.
But how do we prevent this in the future? What did I do wrong? It may sound crazy but I am really attached to these fish! This is extremely frustrating!
Thanks for all your help!


Staff member
Most people in this hobby are attached to their fish....we wouldn't do this if we didn't love these creatures. So you're not crazy.
DEFINATELY begin the hyposalinity ASAP! Do you have a refractometer? Don't use swing arm hydromters for this procedure. If you haven't already, take a look at the hyposalinity instructions in the FAQ Thread which is posted at the top of this forum. Be sure to have a pH test kit on hand and test for pH daily, even 2x a day.
Get Maracyn Two for Saltwater Fish. This is the medication you will need to address an infection. However, start the hyposalinity process first before using the antibiotic. But do look for the medication to be sure you have it on hand.
QT is the only way to adequately keep fish in capativity. All new fish must go in QT before they ever go in the display. When you can, read thru the QT post which is also located in the FAQ Thread.
Keep us posted!


New Member
I don't have a refractometer yet can I still start the hyposalinity? Where can I get one and how much do they cost?
Lost the 2 clown fish! Only the tang and the coral beauty left.
This is so discouraging!


Staff member
Begin the hypo immediately using the glass hydromter. In the meantime you can get a good price on a refract on ----.


i bought maracyn-two but i dont know if its for freshwater only or saltwater.. it says for fresh and saltwater so am i ok? reason why i ask cuz i noticed they sell for fresh and saltwater separatley as well


BTW the package i bought says freshwater on it, shoudl i retunr it and get the one for saltwater fish even though it says u can use it on saltwater???