Porc Puffer Acting Wierd


Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on why my puffer is acting this way..... He going in between a rock and the glass with his head toward the sand. He just keeps going back and forth while doing this. It looks as if he is rubbing his belly against the rock. Is he just wiping his butt...LOL. He has been doing this for the past 24 hours...


I have had him for about two months. I dont think its stress though. He is still really playful with the other fish, and is still eating every chance he can get, a lil fatty.


Active Member
My puffer will just swim in one corner of my tank, up and down up and down, all day some times, I think that is just natural behavior. I've had figure 8s do the same thing too.


Active Member
my puffers were notorious for rubbing their beaks up and down the glass, is that what your describing? if so its normal.


Its pretty much what he always does, just a little different. He was going side to side. He usually goes up and down with the rubbing of the glass. He was just acting strange. He isnt doing it anymore. Maybe he was just trying to get my attention. Thanks for the info....


Active Member
yup, that normal, i had a large golden that had even put a couple good scratches with his beak on the glass, thank god it was the back corner and not the front glass, i dont have him anymore since i went reef but he was a cool fish. You might want to try a cudle bone, like the kind you get for birds, just make sure its not flavored or medicated, my golden used to break chunks off a carry it around the tank. also try the decorative dried out branching corals that also kept him busy, this type of behaviour is how puffers file down the beaks.