Porc puffer


Do porc puffers inflate themselves every once in a while to just "stretch"?
Mine inflated today and he is the only fish in the tank I was the only person in the room and I was sitting on the other side of the room.
Any Ideas????

fish boy

mine have done that to but most of the time mine inflated is because he got a little to close to the filter and got scared


Yes, puffers will inflate once in a while (once or twice a month) for no apparent reason. Hard to catch it happen though.


The inflation is a defensive reaction only and is very uncomforitable for the fish. It was probably startled by something, who knows. Sometimes I scare my self, when I walk into the bathroom at night, and I forget that it is only a mirror. Inflation is stressful for the fish and should be avoided, not incouraged at all. SEE LIFE... "It's a beautiful world!"