Porcelain Crab


The Porcelain Anemone Crab is white with red spots and/or blotches of red or brown. They have very large front claws which they use to fend off potential predators. They are peaceful, and make a wonderful addition to any reef or invertebrate aquarium.
Porcelain Anemone Crabs live together in pairs under the protection of an anemone. It may attempt to defend its territory from clownfish that try to establish themselves among the anemone, although the clownfish generally prevails. It is aggressive toward conspecifics, and should not be kept with larger, aggressive crabs which may attack it.
It eats planktonic food and mucus from the anemone. It may be supplemented with tablet food placed next to the anemone.


So i would need to get a anemone then?Or can it survice with live rock?Because i dont think i have to best lighting for anemone.


probably shouldn't get one if you don't have the proper tools to maintain it's health imo
their natural habitat is anemones
without it it's probably going to be orphaned lol
they get much of their food and shelter from anemones


I've seen them keeped without anemones, but it's probably best if they have one, it's the first thing in the tank they will go to if there is one there.


I have 2 with no anemone.. I wouldn't worry about it... Personally I'll never buy one again.. You NEVER see them EVER unless of course you want a 2 second glimps of them you could come out and view your tank - 2AM with a flahlight and hopefully hit them w/ the first beam so you can see them or else they crawl away into the rocks and hide. BUT last night I looked and actually he stayed and let me snap a few photos of him, I have 2 but only saw the one!
They are pretty cute little crabs but IME pretty lame because you never see them. I also saw mine picking - my star polyps with its claws ONE time and it was the ONLY time I saw it out during the day.. Not sure what it was up to.. I've been watching ever since..
So as far as not having the anemone.. I dont think its so much of a problem.
Here is the photo


Active Member
i have a porcylin crab w/ no anemone, he hangs out by my brittle star, i dont feed him anyhing, and he does just fine, ive had him for about 6 months


Active Member
I have porcelain crabs and I have some anemones...they are never near them. There I think are SOME that may hang out near anemones, but not all.
And I've kept them in other tanks with anemones and you commonly wouldn't see them anywhere near the anemones.
But they are filter feeders. You must feed accordingly.
You may not see them all that often though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nymustang7
What do i feed him?How will i know if there enough food in the water.
i dose phyto for the corals so maybe he gets some of that he also DEVOURS mysis and cyclop-eeze and all the other junk i feed he waits for some to go by him and gets it or if food blown into the rocks


Active Member
I have porcelain crabs which I NEVER see, and a porcelain ANEMONE crab (sold off this site as that) that does not EVER,EVER leave it's anemone.


first group of things i ever added 1.5 years ago included a porcelain crab. I've never owned an anemone and it's still alive
i've seen it maybe 4 times in this amount of time but i know he's alive because he molts...the last time was about 3 days ago.