porchupine puffer


I just added a puffer in my tank but he is sitting at the bottom of the tank and not swimming all that much. Is this a problem?


Hope he makes it okay. Porcupine Puffers are my favorite fish. They are so cool and friendly. Good luck with him! :)


Active Member
Porkies are lazy. Did he just eat when he started to do this? They tend to lie around for a while after they eat. Well, they tend to lie around whenever...


Active Member
yes, that is normal behavior for a porcupine puffer. They are lazy fish, except when it comes to feeding ;)


I had a porcupine puffer that wasn't lazy at all, usually stayed mid way up the water column and would come to the glass to look at you with those eyes of his all the time, would feed out of my hand, maybe i just had an extremely outgoing fish, but i sure loved him



Originally posted by

I had a porcupine puffer that wasn't lazy at all, usually stayed mid way up the water column and would come to the glass to look at you with those eyes of his all the time, would feed out of my hand, maybe i just had an extremely outgoing fish, but i sure loved him

Mine was like that too. Whenever i walked by he would swim up to the top and start splashing the water because he thought i was going to feed him. Sometimes when i opened the top to feed him he would spit water out on me, it was hilarious. I really miss him. :p


Active Member
I want to get a porkey sooooo bad. I just have to get rid of the damsels... (fun eh...) Would a PB tang be okay with it? I'm getting rid of the damsels tomorrow.... (the tang is only going to be with me for a few more weeks... hopefully.)
So after the damsels and tang is gone i will have an SF eel, Saddleback puffer and the porky... (sound good?) *srry for getting into ur thread... ur porkies fine... :D


mine lays around when know ones in the room...but if he sees anycome into the room he is at the front of the glass. Never seen one that lays around all the time.


laying around is pretty normal behavior for a porc puffer. My little puffy **see avater** always perches on the rocks till feeding time, then he goes nuts. Pufferfish do this in the wild too where they just sit on rocks all day, if you don't have any live rock in your tank I would recommend adding some, your fish will love you for it.


New Member
I have a puffer. He lays around most of the time until I approach the tank then he swims to the glass and will feed from my hand. I have had him about 3 months. How large do they get? he is about 3.5 inches now. Here is a picture of what he looks like. Just an everyday porcupine puffer???


i hear conflicting ideas about how large they get. Mine is approaching 4.5 inches now and still growing. Some people tell me they will become as big as a football...my friend at my LFS told me she saw one at Sea World that was enormous (much bigger than a football)
So I really don't know their max size. All I know is that I hope mine stays small long enough for me to go to college, after he outgrows the 75 gallon we'll have to find him a new home :(


Active Member
I've heard as big as two feet in diameter (blown up of course)... as for small i'm not quite sure. However i'm not sure how accurate my previous statement is considering the largest one I've ever seen one eight inches round; blown up.
I have a stars and strips and a pork puffer. The pork puffer I have had for 3 years and it swims on the bottom or on top of tank and then will settle for hours, no worry. When I go to the tank I call her sweetie and tell her how beautiful she is etc and she responses very well (blinking her beautiful blue eyes at me). Tell all your fish you love them, they will respond. See ya,