porcuipine puffer


I got acouple of new fish to and added them to my tank, all are going well, with one slight problem, my puffer isn't really eatinging anything. I got froze krill, and acouple different frozen food block stuff for him, he wont eat any of it. How could I get him to eat something?


i had the exact same problem, give him some time and he will end up being great in a few days, mine took about five days and he was a different fish. he will eat once he gets used to being in your tank. i thought mine was dying but he is doing awesome now.


Soak food in garlic as stated above...if you can't get garlicxtreme at your LFS then you can just soak it with cut up garlic cloves. That should get him eating, best of luck.


Thanks for the info, just hope like your puffer, he just needs to get use to the tank. Is too cool of a fish to lose.


I tried hand feeding him, he is too afraid of me. I soaked the food in the garlic cloves, and put that in just now. He is starting to just float in one spot and doesnt look as lively as he did on saterday. Looks to me like if he doesnt eat soon he might not make it.


there is a company that puts out dehidrated shrimp. its in a pink can. i cant remember the name. get that stuff. my porcupine loves it. i just got mine a week ago and got him to eat it the second day. now when i put it in he goes crazy. try it out and i hope it works. good luck.