porcupine over fed?


I got a new porcupine a few days ago, he was eating krill fine at the pet store which i purchased from (i've been watching him for the last month that he was there to check on his health). it's been 3 days and he havent ate..so i threw 3 rosies and 2 ghost shrimps in there (didn't think he would eat them all up right away, plus they are so damn fattening, i should of used my head before throwing so many in there!) and BAM! all gone...do you think i over fed him? what's your take? he's about 3-3.5"


Best way to know if he's eat enough is to watch for the protruding tummy!! Like us humans, he will get a little pouch when he has had plenty to eat. If he looks hollow or thin just feed it a few more. Better to have them a bit full than to starve them because we want to watch their weight.


It sounds like a lot to feed at once. I have a 5" puffer and I don't feed him that much at once.
I thow them in one at a time so he can finish one befire going on to the next. Otherwise you'll just end up with kill and shrimp all over the place.
Keep a close eye on water quality too.


Active Member
Try not to over feed, puffers are known to eat and eat and eat, they will eat until they are so full they sink to the bottom.


We never just throw food in for our fish...We cut up bits of shrimp and feed them piece by piece so we don't have food rotting on the bottom. As for overfeeding, you are right the porcupine will eat and eat and eat, but when you see he's getting a full belly not overfull then you stop...


Active Member
Try not to over feed, puffers are known to eat and eat and eat, they will eat until they are so full they sink to the bottom
Oh this is so true! I've had it happen! It freaked me out the first time it happened. Porkys are pigs, but so, so much fun to watch:)