I hope someone has an answer for me. Friday night, after feeding time, I noticed that Hootey my porcupine puffer was breathing hard but thought it was due to the excitement of feeding. Saturday morning He looked worse, breathing harder and not swimming well at all. Did a quick water test and everything was fine. A quick assesment of him went as followed: clear eyes, no spots or leasions on his fins or body, no other signs of distress. After about an hour, he puffed up and then died. I don't understand it at all. Up until then he ate fine, swam fine, and looked great. Water quality went as followed: Salinity 1.023, ph 8.3, temp 78, amonia .025, nitrite 0, nitrate 0. He never appeared sick until friday night with the labored breathing. The only other fish is a dwarf lionfish that is the same size as he and they get along fine. Never showing aggression towards each other. Very peaceful together. I am so sad. I really loved my little Hootey. I just don't understand what went wrong.