Ok here we go....had my porc puffer since he was a baby mixed in wtih some clowns, tangs, angel, couple other clown size fish. Tank is 125 gal and never had any problems for about a year and a half. The fish recently got ich and had to put all the fish in a 55 gal hypo tank. At this point I started having fish become missing! I finally put the fish back up stairs after hypo and now my porc puffer has that eating or hunt look in eyes almost 100% of the time. Usually he only gets that look when im dropping in food now he is "on the hunt" constantly! I turned out the lights tonight and he ate my brand new clownfish that I just got today and tried to eat my longhorn cowfish! Its like he's rabbid all the sudden he has never acted anything like this before ever! I had to take him out of the DT and am currently putting him by himself into a 30gal tank by himself. I dont know what to do this is my favoirte fish but I cant have him eating my whole tank either can this just be a phase or is this somthing I need to make a permanent decision on?